Krüptoarvelduse käivitamine Zebec saab $15 Programmeeritavate sularahamaksete tegemiseks miljoneid

The multi-signature treasury management and settlement startup Zebec has revealed the company has raised $15 million in order to bolster a continuous and programmable cash stream protocol on the Solana blockchain. Zebec says the company aims to be thepayment solution

De-Mixing Wasabi Coinjoin Transactions: A Deep Dive Into Chainalysis’ Deanonymizing Claims

Teisipäeval, journalist Laura Shin published a story that claims to identify the 2016 Genesis DAO hacker who siphoned 3.6 million ethereum from the decentralized autonomous organization. While the story surprised the crypto community, one of the biggest eye-openers was the

USA senati panganduse juht kritiseerib Super Bowli krüptoreklaame, Väidab, et "suured krüptoettevõtted on meeleheitel"

USA Ohio senaator ja senati panganduskomitee juht Sherrod Brown ei ole krüptovaluutade fänn. Sel nädalal teisipäeval’s stabiilne mündi kuulmine, Brown kritiseeris kõiki krüptovaluutaettevõtteid, kes eelmisel nädalavahetusel Super Bowli ajal reklaami tegid ja…

RBI asekuberner: Krüpto keelustamine on India jaoks kõige soovitatavam, Määrus on asjatu

A deputy governor of Indias central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), likens cryptocurrencies to Ponzi schemes, emphasizing that they cannot be regulated. “It would be futile to regulate cryptocurrencies,” he claims, stating that they should be banned. RBI’s Deputy

Valr Becomes Latest South African Exchange to Exit Crypto Arbitrage Market

Crypto exchange Valr has announced it has closed its crypto arbitrage service to new customers in order to comply with the requirements of its banking partner. This announcement makes Valr the latest South African crypto exchange platform to close its arbitrage

Tonga Kuningriik võib Bitcoini seadusliku pakkumisena kasutusele võtta, Ütleb endine parlamendiliige

The Kingdom of Tonga may adopt bitcoin as legal tender, according to a former member of Tongas parliament, Lord Fusitu’a, who tweeted about a possible timeline for this event to occur. Fusitua believes that by next fall a bill will be

USA inflatsioonimäär hüppas kõige kõrgemale 40 Aastaid kuni 7%, Inflatsiooniga mures olevad demokraadid jäävad erakonda kummitama

Üks kuumemaid teemasid Ameerika Ühendriikides 2022 on inflatsiooni tõus, nagu USA. Tööosakond’s kolmapäeval avaldatud andmed näitasid, et tarbijahinnaindeks (CPI) tõusis 7% detsembris. See on suurim aasta…

Bividend: Nasdaq-Listed Company to Pay Dividends in Bitcoin at the Option of Shareholders

A Nasdaq-listed company has announced that shareholders can receive dividends in bitcoin. The company claims to be the first one to pay dividends in the cryptocurrency. ‘First-Ever Dividend Payable in Bitcoin by a Nasdaq-Listed CompanyBlockchain company BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS)…