Police in Kosovo Seize Crypto Mining Rigs From Serbs

Kosovo police have seized dozens of crypto mining devices from residents of a majority Serb region in the north of the country. Authorities in Pristina and Belgrade exchanged accusations over the move, which has the potential to raise tensions in the

US Government Remains a Top Bitcoin Holder With Seized Stash Valued at $5.6 Miljardit

As of March 25, 2023, USA. government held 205,515 bitcoins worth $5.6 miljardit, which is approximately 1.06% of the circulating supply, according to current statistics. The cache of bitcoins is a result of three forfeitures that began in 2020. Glassnode’s…

Endist Cohasseti keskkooli töötajat süüdistatakse tuhandete elektri varastamises, et kaevandada koolilinnaku krooliruumis Bitcoini

Endine kooliasutuste direktori assistent Cohassetis, Massachusetts, on süüdistatud krüptoraha kaevandamises Cohasseti keskkooli roomamisruumis. Cohasseti politseijaoskond väidab, et Nadeam Nahas peaaegu varastas $18,000 in electricity to power the

Krüptokogukond küsib: Kus maailmas on endine Alameda tegevjuht Sam Trabucco??

Pärast FTX kaasasutaja Sam Bankman-Friedi vahistamist ning tema kaastöötajate Gary Wangi ja Caroline Ellisoni avaldusi, tähelepanu keskpunkt on lülitanud sisse ülejäänud juhid, kes kuulusid meeskonna siseringi. Tänapäeval huvitab inimesi veel üks inimene…

Venemaa ja Türgi teevad koostööd kuritegevusega seotud krüptotehingute vastu võitlemisel

Venemaa ja Türgi õiguskaitse- ja õigusasutused ühendavad jõud küberkuritegevuse vastases võitluses, sealhulgas krüptovaluutade kasutamine ebaseaduslikel eesmärkidel. Koostöös lepiti kokku Venemaa peaprokuröri visiidil Ankarasse. Venemaa,…

Displaying US Dollar Prices Still Prohibited, Ghanaian Central Bank Tells Actress Lydia Forson

The Bank of Ghana recently warned businesses quoting U.S. dollar prices that the practice is still prohibited and that the cedi remains Ghana’s sole legal tender. The bank said it is working with law enforcement toclamp down on illegal foreign

Stablecoini emitent Tether ei külmuta Tornado sularahaaadresse, Ütleb, et enneaegne külmutamine võib uurimist ohustada

While the crypto community is still talking about the U.S. government banning the ethereum mixing platform Tornado Cash, the stablecoin issuer Tether Holdings Limited revealed on Wednesday that the company would notfreeze Tornado Cash addresses.” Tether’s recently published blog post

Kasahstani politsei arreteeris jõugu, mis sunnib IT-spetsialiste krüptofarme juhtima

Law enforcement in Kazakhstan detained members of a crime group suspected of forcing IT experts into operating underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining with threats and blackmail. The racketeers allegedly made up to half a million U.S. dollars a month from their

Valgevene on konfiskeerinud miljoneid dollareid krüptovarana, Juhtivuurija väidab

Authorities in Belarus have mastered the seizure of cryptocurrencies, the head of the countrys Investigative Committee revealed in a recent interview. The high-ranking law enforcement official claims the state has already confiscated crypto assets worth millions of dollars. Companies Allegedly Help

Hongkongi politsei arreteeris Conmani pärast seda, kui ta kadus, kuna ta kuulus krüptokauplejale üle 191 000 dollari

Hong Kong police have arrested a man accused of stealing $191,085 from a cryptocurrency trader in what turned out to be a bogus transaction. No funds were recovered at the time of the suspects arrest and investigations are ongoing to determine