USA rahandusministeeriumi aruanne hoiatab Defi ohu eest riiklikule julgeolekule, Autorid järeldavad, et Fiati kasutatakse ebaseaduslikus rahanduses rohkem kui krüpto

USA. Treasury on välja andnud 42-leheküljelise aruande, milles hinnatakse detsentraliseeritud rahanduse riske (defi). Aruandes öeldakse, et konkreetsed rahvusriigi vastased, küberkurjategijad, lunavara ründajad, vargad, ja petturid kasutavad defit “oma ebaseaduslikku tulu üle kanda ja pesta.” Riigikassa aruanne…

Singapur otsib krüptofirmadelt üksikasjalikku teavet enne uute eeskirjade kehtestamist, Raport avalikustab

Financial authorities in Singapore are taking steps toward increased oversight in the crypto space with the city-states central bank reportedly asking companies to provide additional information about their activities and assets. Ahead of a possible broadening of the applicable rules, a…

Euroopa Pangandusamet on mures krüptoruumi järelevalveks talentide palkamise pärast

Euroopa’s banking sector regulator is worried it wont manage to find the specialized personnel needed for the oversight of the EUs attempt to regulate the crypto market. The authority is also concerned over the lack of clarity regarding which digital assets

Amid the Hottest US Inflation in 40 Aastaid, Biden Administration Blames Rising Prices on Shipping Industry

During the last few months, inflation has risen significantly in the United States as it has climbed at its fastest pace since 1982. Data shows younger families with children have been struggling to make ends meet, while reports further indicate retirees

USA senati panganduse juht kritiseerib Super Bowli krüptoreklaame, Väidab, et "suured krüptoettevõtted on meeleheitel"

USA Ohio senaator ja senati panganduskomitee juht Sherrod Brown ei ole krüptovaluutade fänn. Sel nädalal teisipäeval’s stabiilne mündi kuulmine, Brown kritiseeris kõiki krüptovaluutaettevõtteid, kes eelmisel nädalavahetusel Super Bowli ajal reklaami tegid ja…

Eurosystem Approves New Oversight Framework Concerning Crypto Services

The monetary authority of the euro area, the Eurosystem, has introduced a new framework for overseeing electronic payments, including services related to crypto assets. The new set of rules will complement upcoming EU regulations for cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. ECB Aims for

Eesti peab krüptolitsentside tühistamist valitsuse jaoks karmimateks eeskirjadeks

Authorities in Estonia are working on new legislation expected to stiffen the rules for the countrys cryptocurrency sector. The Baltic nations regulator for the industry is considering whether to revoke previously issued crypto licenses and restart authorization from scratch. Licensed Crypto