Por poco 3 Billion BUSD Stablecoins Have Been Removed From the Market in 6 Días

Six days ago, a few hours before the blockchain infrastructure platform Paxos announced it would no longer mint BUSD stablecoins, $2.86 billion worth of BUSD were redeemed. Corrientemente, Binance is the most active exchange trading BUSD tokens, and the stablecoin still

Analyst Warns of Banks’ Authority to Confiscate Funds, Decline of US Dollar Purchasing Power

According to Lynette Zang, chief market analyst at ITM Trading, A NOSOTROS. banks have the legal authority to confiscate people’s funds due to legislation passed by Congress. En una entrevista reciente, Zang discussed how the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar has

Corea del Norte robó una cantidad récord de criptoactivos en 2022, Se revela el informe de la ONU

El régimen de Corea del Norte logró robar más criptomonedas el año pasado que en años anteriores, según un borrador de la ONU. reporte. A pesar de la diferencia entre las estimaciones citadas, los autores concluyen que 2022 fue un año récord para el robo de criptomonedas,…

Binance detiene los depósitos y retiros en dólares estadounidenses a través de cuentas bancarias

Global crypto exchange Binance is suspending deposits and withdrawals in U.S. dollars via bank accounts starting Wednesday as more and more banking institutions try to reduce their exposure to the crypto market. “We are working hard to restart service as soon

Unbanked and Mastercard Team Up to Accelerate Crypto Card Adoption Within Web3 Organizations in Europe

PRESIONE SOLTAR. Today it was announced that Unbanked, the leading provider of white-label crypto card issuance and program management service for Web3 companies has partnered with Mastercard, to accelerate DeFi card issuance in Europe. Mastercard and Unbanked have already established a

Senador de EE. UU. centrado en la represión del lavado de dinero criptográfico: insta al Congreso, Los reguladores deben tomar medidas

A NOSOTROS. Senator Elizabeth Warren has called on Congress to ensure regulators, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEGUNDO), have the tools to regulate the crypto industry effectively and crack down on crypto money laundering activities. “The current legal structure essentially

La Asociación de Criptomonedas de Turquía promete bloquear los intercambios que "victimizan a los comerciantes"

A new organization has been established in Turkey with the aim to monitor and help develop the country’s crypto sector, local media reported. Its first task will be to address recent problems with some cryptocurrency exchanges and boost confidence in the

GAIMIN ofrece un enfoque descentralizado ante la creciente necesidad de mayor potencia de procesamiento de datos

La demanda mundial de procesamiento de datos aumenta año tras año, con aplicaciones de procesamiento de datos que requieren un rendimiento cada vez mayor de los dispositivos y servicios de procesamiento de datos. Industrias, como la Inteligencia Artificial (AI), renderizado de vídeo, potenciando los cálculos de blockchain, simulaciones e investigaciones científicas, financial modeling and