Brasilien og Kina uddyber handelsintegration for at bevæge sig væk fra amerikanske dollar, som det første Yuan-baserede forlig behandles

Brazil and China have reached a milestone in their economic integration, as the first bilateral settlement in Chinese yuan was completed ahead of the visit of President Luis InacioLulada Silva to China. The settlement, which was processed by the

Frankrigs præsident Emmanuel Macron om Taiwan: 'At være allieret betyder ikke at være en vasal'

French president Emmanuel Macron has decided to double down on his strategic autonomy policy thesis, declaring that Europe should not be forced to side with Beijing or Washington on Taiwan. Macron declared that being a U.S. ally ‘does not mean being

Brasiliens præsident Lula opfordrer udviklingslandene til at opgive dollar som global reservevaluta

Ifølge Brasiliens præsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, udviklingslande bør opgive USA. dollar og styrke deres egne nationale valutaer. Under en tale i New Development Bank i Shanghai, Lula udtrykte sin natlige grubleri: “Hvorfor gør alle lande…

Indien søger fælles kryptoramme for alle lande for at håndtere 'mange kollaps og stød i kryptovalutaer'

India’s finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, said during her official visit to the U.S. that crypto regulation is a very important part of the discussion by the G20 countries givenso many collapses and shocks in cryptocurrencies.She stressed: “We seek to

Cleanspark-køb 45,000 Bitcoin minedrift enheder, Tilføjelse 6.3 EH/s til nuværende flåde

World Cup, the bitcoin mining company Cleanspark announced that it had purchased 45,000 Antminer S19 XP bitcoin mining devices for a total price of $144.9 million. Cleanspark stated that the new fleet would add 6.3 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s) of computational

Amerikanske bankudlån falder med rekord $105 Milliard på to uger, Trillioner flytter til pengemarkedskonti, Elon Musk advarer om 'trend vil accelerere'

Bankbranchen i USA kæmper stadig efter tre store bankers kollaps. Ifølge statistikker, bankudlån i USA. er faldet tæt på $105 milliarder i de sidste to uger af marts, som er…

Kina er klar til at tale Asian Monetary Fund for at reducere dollarafhængigheden, siger Malaysia

An idea to establish an Asian Monetary Fund has caught the attention of the Chinese leadership, the head of the Malaysian government revealed. The prime minister believes there is no reason for his country, which is hurting from a strong U.S….

'Panik i 2023': James Corbett forklarer, hvordan bankkrise kunne føre til CBDC 'Mareridt med total monetær kontrol'

Investigative journalist James Corbett has recently referred to the ongoing global banking crisis involving SVB, Signatur Bank, Credit Suisse and others as thePanic of 2023,drawing comparisons to what he views as historical precedents, and pointing ahead to an inevitable

Bitgo lancerer lagrings- og sporingsløsning til Bitcoin-baserede ordinære inskriptioner

På torsdag, udbyder af digital aktivdepot, Bitgo, annoncerede lanceringen af ​​sin lagrings- og sporingsløsning til Bitcoin-baserede Ordinal-inskriptioner. i øvrigt, brugere kan bruge Bitgo’s Ordinal inscription storage system til at indskrive deres egne inskriptioner på Bitcoin blockchain. Bitgo’s Ny løsning…

Ticketmaster lancerer NFT-Gated billetservice til Avenged Sevenfold Shows

Ticketmaster, the global provider of event ticketing services, has launchedtoken-gated sales,” allowing fans access to concert tickets using non-fungible token (NFT) teknologi. The first to use the service is the metal band Avenged Sevenfold (A7X), whoseDeathbats Club” NFT samling…