Amerikanske bankudlån falder med rekord $105 Milliard på to uger, Trillioner flytter til pengemarkedskonti, Elon Musk advarer om 'trend vil accelerere'

Bankbranchen i USA kæmper stadig efter tre store bankers kollaps. Ifølge statistikker, bankudlån i USA. er faldet tæt på $105 milliarder i de sidste to uger af marts, som er…

Saudi-Arabien styrker båndet til Kina ved at slutte sig til SCO Bloc som dialogpartner

Kinas forhold til Saudi-Arabien vokser, efterhånden som landets kabinet har indvilliget i at tilslutte sig Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Kongerigets diplomatiske skridt begyndte med et aftalememorandum i september, og i slutningen af ​​marts,…

Google Trends-data afslører søgninger efter 'Banking Crisis,’ ‘Banken løber,’ Skyrocket

Interesse i U.S.A. bankkrisen er steget meget i løbet af de seneste to uger, som vist af Google Trends-data. Der er sket en kraftig stigning i forespørgsler relateret til søgetermer som f.eks “bankkrise,” “bankkollaps,” og “banksvigt.”…

Citizens Trust Bank at holde $65 Millioner i USDC-reserver, da Circle udvider bankpartnerskaber

På fredag, the cryptocurrency firm and stablecoin issuer Circle announced that the financial institution Citizens Trust Bank will hold $65 million in usd coin cash reserves. Circle said the move is part of the company’s plan to allocate shares of the

Ekspert forudsiger truende økonomisk kollaps, når BRICS-nationerne forenes mod dollaren

Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments, explained in a recent interview that the five leading emerging economies—Brazil, Rusland, Indien, Kina, and South Africa, collectively known as BRICS nations—arecoalescing against the dollar.Schectman believes that since 2022, de-dollarization

Coinbase CEO opfordrer Kongressen til at vedtage klar kryptolovgivning - advarer Amerika risikerer at miste status som finansiel hub

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has called on Congress to pass clear crypto legislation, warning that the U.S. risks losing its status as a financial hub. “Crypto is open to everyone in the world and others are leading,” the executive stressed. Coinbase’s

Husets republikanere kræver svar fra SEC over FTX-medstifterens arrestation

On Feb. 10, 2023, Republicans Patrick McHenry of North Carolina and Bill Huizenga of Michigan, both members of the U.S. House of Representatives, sent a letter to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) chairman Gary Gensler seeking answers about the arrest of

60 Organisationer lancerer kampagne, der opfordrer den amerikanske kongres til at beskytte privatlivets fred

På onsdag, 60 organizations involved in cryptocurrencies, open-source and free software, and human rights and privacy-preserving projects launched a new campaign calling on the 118th U.S. Congress to protect privacy. The groups, including Fight for the Future, Electric Coin Co., og…

USA med det højeste antal lukkede Bitcoin-hæveautomater i negativt vækstår

The number of ATMs supporting digital currencies has fallen around the world over the course of a turbulent year for the whole industry. According to a new report, the United States has lost more machines offering crypto teller services than any