Verdens største regionale organisation til at skifte til bosættelser i nationale valutaer

A China-led regional organization that covers more than half of Eurasia intends to transition to settlements in the currencies of its members. While the plan is to abandon the U.S. dollar in mutual payments, participating nations are yet to consider a

Brasiliens præsident Lula opfordrer udviklingslandene til at opgive dollar som global reservevaluta

Ifølge Brasiliens præsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, udviklingslande bør opgive USA. dollar og styrke deres egne nationale valutaer. Under en tale i New Development Bank i Shanghai, Lula udtrykte sin natlige grubleri: “Hvorfor gør alle lande…

Rapport: Kina vil blive en Metaverse Tech Leader i løbet af 2023

A report issued by Globaldata, a global consulting and data analysis company, predicts that China will become a leading country in metaverse tech during 2023. The firm believes that the development of other technologies like artificial intelligence (Fonden vil søge indledende investeringer i virksomheder og protokoller i tidlige stadier, der starter ved 500.000 USD og op til), virtual reality (VR),…

Den kinesiske Zhejiang-provins har til formål at bygge en $28.7 Billion Metaverse Industry af 2025

Zhejiang, a coastal province of China, has presented a metaverse development plan that seeks to build a metaverse hub in its territory. The plan aims to entice the creation of a $28.7 billion metaverse industry and construct an ecosystem of several