'Panik i 2023': James Corbett forklarer, hvordan bankkrise kunne føre til CBDC 'Mareridt med total monetær kontrol'

Investigative journalist James Corbett has recently referred to the ongoing global banking crisis involving SVB, Signatur Bank, Credit Suisse and others as thePanic of 2023,drawing comparisons to what he views as historical precedents, and pointing ahead to an inevitable

Verdensbankens rapport forudsiger dystre globale økonomiske udsigter, Med henvisning til 'Uønsket udvikling' og 'Langvarig afmatning'

Det er Jan. 10, 2023, the World Bank published its Global Economic Prospects report, stating that the outlook for the global economy and future economic conditions is bleak. Ifølge rapporten, 2023 growth forecasts have been cut across the board, med…

Overførsler til lav- og mellemindkomstlande i 2022 Op af 5% til $626 Milliard — Seneste Verdensbankrapport

Despite the headwinds that have dominated the year, remittances to low and middle-income countries in 2022 still grew by 5% til $626 milliard, the World Bank Migration and Development Brief has said. Afrika, where the cost of sending $200 averaged 7.8%

WEFs store nulstillingsdagsorden fortsætter med at få et betydeligt tilbageslag fra kritikere

Midt i Covid-19-pandemien i 2020, verdenen’s bureaukrater, finansielle institutioner, multinationale selskaber, og internationale organisationer begyndte at promovere Great Reset-konceptet, en idé lanceret af World Economic Forum (WEF) som hævder at styrke en grønnere og mere retfærdig verden. Siden…

Rapport: Bank of Spain bekymret over inflationen og dens konsekvenser i Latam

The Bank of Spain has issued a new report about the performance of Latam economies during the first six months of the year. The document states that the current inflationary development that several countries of the region have can lead to

Mens globale markeder bliver skræmt af Covid og en Hawkish Fed, Aktier og krypto-rebound efter Musk-køb på Twitter

Wall Street led mandag morgen, da det store U.S. aktieindeks faldt yderligere, bygger på tab indsamlet i sidste uge. Rapporter tyder på, at investorer er bekymrede over de kommende renteforhøjelser fra Federal Reserve og Kina’s nylige Covid-19 udbrud. As equities floundered on

ASIC Mining Rig Producent Canaan afslører $100 Tilbagekøbsprogram for millioner af aktier

Det applikationsspecifikke integrerede kredsløb (ASIC) Producenten Canaan har afsløret, at firmaet tilbyder et aktietilbagekøb for op til $100 million. Kanaan’s formand og administrerende direktør Nangeng Zhang fremhævet i en U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) indgivelse af, at flytningen var…

Thailand planlægger at blive 'Krypto-positivt samfund' - guvernør siger 'Crypto Is the Future'

Thailand is laying the groundwork to become acrypto-positive societywith the aim to attract crypto holders and boost its tourism industry. The country hopes to gain back some of the $80 billion in lost tourism revenue due to the Covid-19

Sydafrikanske kryptotokensindehavere bekymrede over midlernes status, Kan ikke trække tilbage som lovet

A group of South African cryptocurrency investors have voiced concerns about the fate of their investment in the Fight to Fame (F2F token) after they reportedly were unable to withdraw their funds as promised. Token Sale Attracts Over 2,000 Applicants According

Overførsler til Afrika er klar til at kigge forbi 5.4 % til $41 Milliard — Covid-19-pandemi og høje forsendelsesomkostninger får skylden

According to findings from the Continental Migration Report 2021, remittances to African countries are projected to decrease from the $44 billion recorded in 2020 til $41 milliard. The Covid Effect As expected, the Covid-19 pandemic is identified as one of the