Amerikansk bankbranche i uro: Et omfattende kig på den 'store konsolidering' og største banksvigt af 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. banking industry. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

Syrien opfordrer indtrængende BRICS til at føre an med at sænke dollaren, Taler om Yuan-adoption med Kina

BRICS nations can lead efforts to abandon the U.S. dollar in international settlements, according to President Bashar Assad of Syria. At a meeting with China’s top diplomat for the region, the leader of the war-torn Middle Eastern country called for using

Verdens største regionale organisation til at skifte til bosættelser i nationale valutaer

A China-led regional organization that covers more than half of Eurasia intends to transition to settlements in the currencies of its members. While the plan is to abandon the U.S. dollar in mutual payments, participating nations are yet to consider a

Med Tæt på 10 Milliard Stablecoins indløst, BUSDs udbud falder til det laveste niveau siden april 2021

Statistics recorded on April 15, 2023, show that the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD dropped below the 7 billion range to 6.68 milliard, marking the lowest number of BUSD in circulation since April 2021. desuden, data indicates

Warren Buffett sammenligner Bitcoin med hasardspil og kædebreve i det seneste interview

Finance mogul Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors in history, discussed bitcoin during an interview on CNBCs Squawk Box on April 12. As he has done in previous interviews, the business magnate likened bitcoin to a gambling scheme and

Cleanspark-køb 45,000 Bitcoin minedrift enheder, Tilføjelse 6.3 EH/s til nuværende flåde

World Cup, the bitcoin mining company Cleanspark announced that it had purchased 45,000 Antminer S19 XP bitcoin mining devices for a total price of $144.9 million. Cleanspark stated that the new fleet would add 6.3 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s) of computational

Dollar til at spille mindre rolle på grund af dens våben, Digitale valutaer, Det siger økonom Jeffrey Sachs

Within the next decade, USA. dollar will play a much less dominant role than it is today, according to Jeffrey Sachs. The renowned economist listed a few factors for the diminishing status of the greenback such as its use as

Kerneinflation på opadgående trend, Yderligere rentestigninger forventes, ECB Execs siger

Amid underlying inflationary pressures, further interest rate increases may still be needed, members of the European Central Bank’s Governing Council have admitted. På samme tid, the cycle with the highest hikes may soon be over, the officials indicated. End of

Bitcoin-sværhedsgrad når nyt rekordhøje niveau efter fjerde stigning i træk

Den april 6, 2023, Bitcoin’s difficulty rose 2.23% higher at block height 784,224, touching another all-time high. It’s the fourth consecutive difficulty increase on the Bitcoin network since Feb. 24, and the protocol’s current difficulty is 47.89 billioner, which is only

Microstrategy's Bitcoin Holdings rækkevidde 140,000 BTC efter erhvervelse 1,045 Flere Bitcoins

Nine days after publicly listed company Microstrategy purchased 6,455 bitcoins, firmaet’s CEO, Michael Saylor, announced the purchase of an additional 1,045 bitcoins. The business intelligence (BI) company now holds a total of 140,000 bitcoins, værdi $3.97 milliard. Microstrategy Buys Another