'Dollarens våbenprojekt': Asiatiske lande taler om de-dollarisering; Jim Rogers siger, at USD's Time 'Coming to an End',’ og mere - Uge i gennemgang

The future fate of the U.S. dollar continues to dominate financial news, as investor Jim Rogers says the USD’s time iscoming to an end,” and nine Asian countries have been discussing de-dollarization measures in Iran. In other news, an expert

Økonom Peter Schiff advarer om en ny, Indkommende store depressionskrise, Kritiserer vildledende inflationstal

peter skib, best-selling author and chief economist of Europac, has warned about the coming of a new great depression period in America. In an interview, Schiff stated that official Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers were designed to mislead the public and

Midt i 'Regulatorisk Apparatur' Mod Crypto, Paul Tudor Jones opretholder Bitcoin-allokering

I et nyligt interview, den anerkendte investor Paul Tudor Jones udtrykte sit perspektiv på bitcoin, anerkender, at der kan være regulatoriske udfordringer forude. Imidlertid, Jones understregede sit urokkelige engagement i den dominerende kryptovaluta, bekræfter, at han fastholder “en lille diversificering” i…

Latam Insights: Bolivia overvejer kinesisk yuan for handelsafregninger, Steve Hanke foreslår 30-dages løsning for venezuelansk inflation

Velkommen til Latam Insights, et kompendium med de mest relevante nyheder om krypto- og økonomisk udvikling fra Latinamerika i løbet af den sidste uge. I dette nummer, Bolivia overvejer at bruge den kinesiske yuan i internationale handelsopgør, inflationen når 108.8% i Argentina, og…

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: ETH, BTC falder til multi-ugers lavninger, Efter amerikanske inflationsdata

Ethereum fell below $1,800 i dag’s session, da markederne fortsatte med at reagere på de seneste U.S. forbrugerprisindekset. Inflation in the United States fell to 4.9% in April, less than the 5% sum many had expected. Bitcoin was also lower

Økonom Peter Schiff advarer mod stagflation i amerikansk økonomi - siger, at 'det vil blive værre'

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. economy is facing stagflation and the situation is going to get worse. “Not only is the economy weakening, but inflation is strengthening,” understregede han, at understrege: “You have the worst of both worlds.” OS….

Bitcoin netværk hits 75% Fremskridt mod næste belønningshalvering

At 11:06 er. østlig tid (ET) den april 29, 2023, i blokhøjde 787,500, the number of blocks left to discover until the next Bitcoin blockchain halving is now fewer than 52,500 blocks. This means the network has progressed 75% through

Japans inflation stiger til 3.5% som ny BOJ-guvernør tager roret

Denne uge, the Statistics Bureau of Japan unveiled the latest core consumer price index (CPI) report for the country, revealing a surge to 3.5%. This figure comes as a surprise to analysts who had predicted a more modest 2.9% for the

Guld falder på højere amerikanske statsobligationer, Dollar

Prices of gold, and other precious metals, fell on Wednesday due to stronger U.S. yields and national currency. The decline comes on the backdrop of expectations of new interest rate increases next month amid persistent inflation in the United States and

Økonom og politolog tilbageviser påstande om US Dollars død på trods af tendensen til de-dollariseringsnyheder

Dette år, there has been a flurry of news reports and opinion editorials discussing an alleged de-dollarization trend amid a wave of disclosures associated with the BRICS bloc. In a recent article, the American political scientist and author Ian Bremmer insisted