SEC undersøger First Republic Bank Executives for insiderhandel; Lovgivere dumper Banks aktier før kollaps

After the second largest bank failure in history, USA. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) is reportedly investigating First Republic Bank executives for allegedly engaging in insider trading. Two sources have claimed that the securities regulator is scrutinizing the bank’s executives

At bryde barriererne for traditionel bankvirksomhed med digitale aktiver

Another one bites the dust! The banking industry in the United States is in trouble, and regional banks are feeling the squeeze. A number of banks have failed recently due to mismanagement, poor risk management, and other factors which are leading

Pacwest aktie styrtdykker over 35% Efter udgivelse af indtjeningsrapport for 1. kvartal midt i uro i banksektoren

Following the acquisition of First Republic Bank by JPMorgan Chase, several regional banks such as Pacwest and Western Alliance experienced a significant drop in their stock prices. On Tuesday afternoon, all four major U.S. benchmark stock indexes are in decline as

Amerikanske bankudlån falder med rekord $105 Milliard på to uger, Trillioner flytter til pengemarkedskonti, Elon Musk advarer om 'trend vil accelerere'

Bankbranchen i USA kæmper stadig efter tre store bankers kollaps. Ifølge statistikker, bankudlån i USA. er faldet tæt på $105 milliarder i de sidste to uger af marts, som er…

First Republic Banks aktier nedgraderet til uønsket status af S&P Global; Stock Slides Mere end 25% Nederste

Efter UBS erhvervede Credit Suisse og tæt på et dusin finansielle institutioner indsprøjtet $30 milliarder ind i First Republic Bank for fire dage siden, S&P Global nedjusterede i søndags First Republics aktier til junkstatus. Investorer er bekymrede over, at kontantinfusionen fra…

Bitcoin Mining Report Viser Networks emissionskonto for 0.08% af verdens CO2

During the last year, Bitcoin — the cryptocurrency network that leverages proof-of-work (PoW) to process transactions and secure the protocolhas received a lot of criticism about its environmental impact. Denne uge, the cryptocurrency firm Coinshares published a report that