Zakaj se migranti obračajo na kripto: Ključ do doseganja cilja ZN za zmanjšanje stroškov nakazil na manj kot 3% avtor 2030

The cost incurred by African migrants or expatriates when sending funds via the so-called formal corridors remains way above the UN target of less than three percent, the latest data from the World Bank has shown. Po drugi strani, the…

Medtem ko delnice ponovno odskočijo, Analitiki razpravljajo o ločitvi Bitcoina, Trgi zlata ostajajo "pod pritiskom"

ZDA. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on

Apecoin se integrira s poligonom, Član odbora DAO pravi, da o izvorni verigi APE nikoli niso razpravljali

Following one of the largest non-fungible token (NFT) mints in history and after apecoin transactions from the sale fueled Ethereum network fees, apecoin is now integrated with the Polygon (MATIČ) omrežje. maja 2, the Apecoin project announced that with Polygon

Strateg Bank of America opozarja, da se bliža recesijski šok, Analitik pravi, da bi lahko kriptovalute presegle obveznice

V petek, Bank of America’s (BOFA) glavni naložbeni strateg Michael Hartnett je v tedenskem finančnem zapisu strankam pojasnil, da ZDA. gospodarstvo bi lahko padlo v recesijo. Strateg BOFA’je dodatno podrobno opisal, da bi lahko kriptovalute prekašale obveznice in delnice….

Zašteti 30.000 $ ali več v Ethereumu — pogled na vrh 5 Spodnje cene NFT

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) sredstva so zelo priljubljena že več kot 12 mesecih in veliko število zbirk je močno naraslo v vrednosti. Medtem ko je glede na iskalne poizvedbe Google Trends zanimanje za NFT padlo na najnižjo raven v štirih mesecih, a vast

Tedenska prodaja NFT še naprej pada, Podatki Google Trends kažejo upad poizvedb NFT 45% v 30 Dnevi

Po bledem tednu, v katerem smo videli nezamenljive žetone (NFT) prodaja zdrsne 29.35% prejšnji teden, v zadnjih sedmih dneh je prodaja NFT dodatno upadla in izgubila več kot 7%. Izven 12 različne verige blokov, ki podpirajo NFT, Solana je bil edini dobiček, v…

Monster-Sized Bitcoin Whale Transfers: Blockchain Parser Catches Significant Amounts of ‘Cold BTC’ Moved to Active Exchanges

Two days ago on November 30, the price of bitcoin (BTC) tapped a high that day reaching $59,250 na enoto, but it has since dropped close to 5% in value to just above the $56K region. Onchain statistics indicate that whales

$7.5 Milijonska zbirka NFT, obtožena uporabe umetnosti brez dovoljenja, ki ji grozi sodni postopek

While non-fungible token (NFT) assets have been extremely popular in 2021, tam’s been a slew of issues tied to the ecosystem as well. A recent report indicates that roughly a dozen artists are considering taking legal action against an NFT collection

Kripto trgi so čez noč izgubili milijarde – analitik pravi, da je "normalen padec" in "struktura bikovskega trga še vedno nedotaknjena"

Cryptocurrency markets have dropped significantly in value during the last 24 hours as the entire market capitalization of all 10,000 crypto assets in existence has dropped below the $3 trillion mark to $2.77 trillion on Tuesday morning (EST). After tapping $66K

Hindu Paramilitary Group Calls on Indian Government to Regulate Cryptocurrencies

Hindu nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has called on the Indian government to regulate cryptocurrencies. “The government has to ensure that it is regulated in the larger interest of the society,” the group reportedly said. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Calls for