Strateg Bank of America opozarja, da se bliža recesijski šok, Analitik pravi, da bi lahko kriptovalute presegle obveznice

V petek, Bank of America’s (BOFA) glavni naložbeni strateg Michael Hartnett je v tedenskem finančnem zapisu strankam pojasnil, da ZDA. gospodarstvo bi lahko padlo v recesijo. Strateg BOFA’je dodatno podrobno opisal, da bi lahko kriptovalute prekašale obveznice in delnice….

Bank of America Says Solana Could Take Market Share From Ethereum, Become the Visa of the Crypto Ecosystem

Bank of America’s analyst says that Solana could take market share away from Ethereum. Noting that Solana is optimized for micropayments, gaming, and non-fungible tokens (NFT-ji), the analyst expectsSolana could become the Visa of the digital asset ecosystem.Bank of

Direktor Bank of America vidi kripto kot razred sredstev: "Na to sploh ne gledam kot na konkurenco"

Bank of America’s chief operating officer does not see cryptocurrency as competition. Namesto tega, he views it as an asset class, ugotavlja, da “people like it for all sorts of different reasons.” Bank of America’s COO on Crypto: ‘I Dont View It

Bank of America debitira v kripto raziskavah: Digitalna sredstva so "prevelika, da bi jih prezrli"

Bank of America’s Global Research has begun covering crypto, debuting with a report stating thatdigital assets are too large to ignore.Noting that digital assets arecreating a whole ecosystem of new companies, new opportunities, and new applications,” the bank