Warren Buffett Likens Bitcoin to Gambling and Chain Letters in Recent Interview

Finance mogul Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors in history, discussed bitcoin during an interview on CNBCs Squawk Box on April 12. As he has done in previous interviews, the business magnate likened bitcoin to a gambling scheme and

Tržni analitik napoveduje propad "vsega".,« Poziva k zavarovanju zlata in srebra pred tveganjem, preden ga ne ostane

Egon von Greyerz, market analyst and founder of Matterhorn Asset Management, is predicting the collapse of the central bank system in the next few years due to an increasing issuance of currency and debt. Von Greyerz states that in the face

Kripto podjetje Voyager Digital je zagotovilo kreditno linijo v višini 500 milijonov USD pri Alameda Ventures za spopadanje z izpostavljenostjo 3AC

Pred tremi dnevi, Bitcoin.com News reported on the publicly listed company Voyager Digital after the crypto firm announced that it was owed $655 million worth of digital assets. Now according to a press release from Voyager, the company has secured funds

Medtem ko delnice ponovno odskočijo, Analitiki razpravljajo o ločitvi Bitcoina, Trgi zlata ostajajo "pod pritiskom"

ZDA. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on

Iran to Pilot ‘National Cryptocurrency,’ Considers Blockchain Tech for Stock Market

The Central Bank of Iran soon plans to launch the pilot phase of its digital currency project, an official unveiled. The Islamic Republic hopes to a join a growing club of nations that want to take advantage of having a sovereign

Sberbank lansira prvi Blockchain ETF v Rusiji

Russian banking giant Sberbank has presented the countrys first exchange-traded fund (ETF) giving investors access to the blockchain space. The new instrument holds securities of companies dealing with cryptocurrencies and the technologies that underpin them. Sberbank Introduces ETF Tracking Blockchain Economy

Banka Rusije zavrača zagotavljanje finančnih storitev, povezanih s kripto

Rusija’Centralna banka je izrazila nasprotovanje zagotavljanju finančnih storitev, povezanih s kriptovalutami. Monetarna oblast meni, da bi bile takšne ponudbe v nasprotju z interesi ruskih vlagateljev, saj so zelo tvegane. Central Bank of Russia Unwilling to Allow