Do Kwon obtožen izplačila 2,7 milijarde dolarjev pred propadom UST, Ustanovitelj Terra pravi, da so obtožbe lažne

Terra’s new LUNA 2.0 žeton je izgubljen 54% v vrednosti v zadnjih dveh tednih, po dosegu $11.33 maja na enoto 30. medtem, the whistleblower Fatman has accused Terras co-founder Do Kwon of cashing out $2.7 billion a few months

Trg stablecoin se približuje 15% tržnega vrednotenja celotnega kripto gospodarstva

Pred približno dvema mesecema, aprila 11, gospodarstvo stablecoin je bilo ocenjeno na $190 milijarde in je bil vse bližje presežku $200 milijarde v vrednosti. Vendar, po padcu stablecoina Terra, gospodarstvo žetonov, vezano na fiat, je izgubilo $16.31 billion in value since

Terra Collapse še naprej pesti Defi – vrednost, zaklenjena v mostovih med verigami, pada 20% Ta mesec

Following the aftermath of the Terra blockchain fiasco, decentralizirane finance (defi) continues to feel the impact of the projects fallout. During the last four days the total value locked (TVL) in defi has dropped 2.61% in value, and cross-chain bridges have

Value Locked in Decentralized Finance Slides 17% Lower Over the Last 30 Dnevi

The value locked in decentralized finance (defi) protocols has lost 17.77% nad zadnjim 30 dnevi, falling from $221.67 billion to today’s $182.27 milijarde. Poleg tega, statistics show the total value locked (TVL) across a broad range of defi protocols shed significant

Banco Galicia postane prva banka, ki je uvedla kripto trgovanje v Argentini

Banco Galicia, one of the largest financial institutions in Argentina, has introduced cryptocurrency trading as part of the services it is currently offering to customers. Users interested in investing in cryptocurrency are already able to purchase four different crypto assets directly

Bank of Spain Report Warns About Cryptocurrency Usage and Its Effect on Financial Stability

The Bank of Spain has issued a new report that touches on the subject of the popularity of cryptocurrency usage and the possible effects it might have on the financial stability of the nation. In the document, the bank explains that

Fundacija Luna kupi še enega $5 Milijon v bitcoinih, Držala denarnice LFG 42,530 BTC

The Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) purchased an additional 123.89 bitcoin on Friday worth close to $5 million at the time of settlement. Since mid-March, Terra’s LFG has been acquiring bitcoin on a regular basis and after the purchase on Friday morning,…

Axie Infinity Loses $620 Million After Hacker Compromised Ronin Validators

According to Sky Mavis, the creators of the blockchain NFT game Axie Infinity, the Ronin network has been attacked, and a hacker has managed to siphon 173,600 in ethereum and 25.5 million usd coin (USDC). The attacker has obtained roughly $620

Poročilo: Freelance Workers in Argentina Among Most Active in LATAM Receiving Part of Paycheck in Crypto

A recent report states that freelancing is experiencing a boom in Argentina, and also comments on how Argentinians are among workers in the region that most actively use cryptocurrencies to receive part of their paycheck. The report further states that workers