Value Locked in Decentralized Finance Slides 17% Lower Over the Last 30 Dnevi

The value locked in decentralized finance (defi) protocols has lost 17.77% nad zadnjim 30 dnevi, falling from $221.67 billion to today’s $182.27 milijarde. Poleg tega, statistics show the total value locked (TVL) across a broad range of defi protocols shed significant value during the last seven days.


Defi Protocols Shed Considerable Value

Decentralized finance (defi) protocols have lost lots of value during the last month, kot 17.77% has been shaved off the TVL in defi since April 8, 2022. The largest defi protocol, in terms of TVL size, Curve Finance, izgubljeno 16.55% this past month, while Lido shed 13.28% in value over the 30 day range. Anchor’s TVL is down 10.15%, Makerdao has dipped by 20.48%, and Aave’s TVL has lost 21.12% this past month.

Value Locked in Decentralized Finance Slides 17% Lower Over the Last 30 Days
Total value locked in decentralized finance on May 8, 2022, according to statistics.

Two protocols saw substantial 30-day TVL gains which include Aave’s version three (v3) and Tron’s Sunswap protocol. Med zadnjim 24 hours alone, the TVL in defi has slipped by 6.25% in value, and the largest protocol by TVL today is Curve Finance. As of Sunday afternoon (ET), Curve’s $17.24 billion TVL currently dominates the aggregate by 9.46%.

Value Locked in Decentralized Finance Slides 17% Lower Over the Last 30 Days
Top ten defi protocols in terms of TVL on May 8, 2022, according to statistics.

Ethereum still dominates the defi TVL by 55.59%, kot $101.32 billion of the $182.27 billion TVL is held on the ETH chain. Terra is the second largest, in terms of defi TVL, as Terra’s $23.44 billion represents 12.86% of the defi TVL aggregate. Lastly, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is the third-largest blockchain in defi with 6.37% of the total, which is roughly $11.6 billion today.

Value Locked in Decentralized Finance Slides 17% Lower Over the Last 30 Days
Total value locked by blockchain, according to statistics on May 8, 2022. Ethereum commands by 55.59% with its $101.32 billion locked in defi.

In terms of the top smart contract platforms with tokens by market capitalization today, the entire lot is valued at $546 milijarde. Vendar, the top smart contract tokens have lost 6.1% in collective value during the past 24 ure. Although, tron (TRX) has managed to jump 5.3% higher during the last day.

One of the biggest losers today, in terms of smart contract platform tokens, was counterparty (XCP), as the coin lost 19.4%. Terra (LUNA) was also a big percentage loser, shedding double digits during the last 24 ure, as LUNA lost 11.1% in USD value today. 30 day statistics also show that cross-chain bridge TVLs are also down 21.1%. There’s currently $16.78 billion TVL across a myriad of blockchain bridges.

The top three ranking cross-chain bridge TVLs today include Polygon, Snežni plaz, and Arbitrum respectively. The top three crypto assets leveraged on cross-chain bridges today include USDC, wrapped ethereum (WETH), and tether (USDT). While the entire crypto economy has lost 5.1% in value over the last 24 hours down to $1.65 bilijon, it’s likely the value locked in defi will follow.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
24 hour defi stats, 30 day range, 7 day data, Anchor, Odločitev, Snežni plaz, Binance Smart Chain, BSC, Counterparty, Cross-chain Bridges,, decentralizirane finance, DeFi, Ethereum, Lido, Poligon, Terra, terra (LUNA), skupna vrednost zaklenjena, tron, trx, TVL reduction, value locked, weekly data

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Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 5,000 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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