Binance Rusom prepoveduje P2P transakcije z dolarji in evri

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has introduced new restrictions for Russian users, in accordance with the latest European sanctions. The platform is restricting access to peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions in U.S. dollars and euros for traders based in the Russian Federation. Binance Prohibits US

SEC je prijavil nujne ukrepe proti Bkcoin v $100 Milijonska shema kripto goljufij

ZDA. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC) has filed an emergency action against Miami-based investment adviser Bkcoin and one of its principals, Kevin Kang. “The defendants disregarded the structure of the funds, commingled investor assets, and used more than $3.6 milijonov…

Xapo Bank integrira plačila v omrežju Lightning prek partnerstva Lightspark

marca 2, Xapo Bank je objavila partnerstvo z Lightspark, podjetje, ki ga vodi David Marcus, nekdanji kripto šef na Facebooku. Namen partnerstva je razširiti uporabnost bitcoina in omrežja Lightning. Xapo revealed on Thursday that it is

Innovations Help to Substantially Reduce the Gap Between Decentralized and Centralized Exchanges — Dexalot COO

While centralized exchanges are thought to be safer and more efficient, proponents of decentralized platforms like Tim Shan insist that user experience on decentralized exchanges has improved. Poleg tega, inherent benefits associated with decentralized exchanges such as the self-custody of assets

Robert Kiyosaki Says World Economy on the Verge of Collapse — Warns of Bank Runs, Frozen Savings, Bail-Ins

Slavni avtor knjižne uspešnice Bogati očka, revni očka, Robert Kiyosaki, says the world economy is on the verge of collapse. He warned investors about the risks of bank runs, frozen savings, and bail-ins that may come next. Robert…

Crypto Neobank Wallbit zaradi sankcij zapušča Venezuelo

Wallbit, neobank, ki podpira kripto, napovedala, da bo prenehala služiti uporabnikom v Venezueli, potem ko je njen bančni partner v ZDA. pozval, naj to stori. Platforma je objavila, da je ta poteza neposredna posledica gospodarskih sankcij, ki jih je država uvedla…

Kripto izmenjave omogočajo Rusom, da se izognejo sankcijam, Poročilo trdi

Večje kripto borze niso preprečile sankcioniranim ruskim bankam in trgovcem transakcije, glede na poročilo forenzike blockchain. Vsaj dve uveljavljeni platformi za trgovanje s kovanci Rusom še naprej dovoljujeta uporabo svojih bančnih kartic v poslih enakovrednih, the analysis

Crypto Groups on Russian Social Media Hit by Bots Discrediting Bitcoin

Social media groups devoted to cryptocurrencies in Russia have been attacked by bots in what looks like a campaign against bitcoin and the like. Their comments on Russia’s largest social media platform are triggered by certain keywords like crypto and blockchain,…

Skoraj 3 Billion BUSD Stablecoins Have Been Removed From the Market in 6 Dnevi

Six days ago, a few hours before the blockchain infrastructure platform Paxos announced it would no longer mint BUSD stablecoins, $2.86 billion worth of BUSD were redeemed. Trenutno, Binance is the most active exchange trading BUSD tokens, and the stablecoin still

Analitik opozarja na pristojnost bank za zaplembo sredstev, Padec kupne moči ameriških dolarjev

Po mnenju Lynette Zang, glavni tržni analitik pri ITM Trading, ZDA. banke imajo pravno pooblastilo za zaplembo sredstev ljudi zaradi zakonodaje, ki jo je sprejel kongres. V nedavnem intervjuju, Zang je razpravljal o tem, kako je kupna moč ZDA. dollar has