Russian Crypto Industry Queries Government About Proposed Criminal Liability for Miners

The organization representing Russia’s crypto sector has asked the government in Moscow to clarify a proposal to introduce criminal liability for “gray” miners. The draft legislation seeks to punish those who fail to report their income to the state and share

ESG Analyst Daniel Batten Reveals Dynamic Charts Showing Bitcoin’s 52.6% Sustainable Energy Use

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analyst Daniel Batten said Tuesday that the computational backbone of the Bitcoin network now uses 52.6% sustainable energy. Batten and onchain analyst Willy Woo created Dynamic Bitcoin ESG Charts to showcase the protocol’s progress. Contrary to

Analitik opozarja na pristojnost bank za zaplembo sredstev, Padec kupne moči ameriških dolarjev

Po mnenju Lynette Zang, glavni tržni analitik pri ITM Trading, ZDA. banke imajo pravno pooblastilo za zaplembo sredstev ljudi zaradi zakonodaje, ki jo je sprejel kongres. V nedavnem intervjuju, Zang je razpravljal o tem, kako je kupna moč ZDA. dollar has

Massachusetts Senator Forwards Bill Aimed at Forcing Crypto Miners to Report Greenhouse Gas Emissions

dne dec. 8, 2022, three Democratic politicians from Massachusetts, Oregon, and California revealed legislation aimed at combattingenergy-intensivecryptocurrency mining operations. The bill introduced by senator Ed Markey (D-MA) alleges that crypto miningstrains the gridand the industryundermines U.S….

Izrael prepoveduje gotovinske posle za zneske, ki se začnejo tako nizko kot $1,700

New legislation introducing tighter restrictions on payments with large sums of cash will enter into force in Israel on Monday. Cilj, as stated by the countrys tax authority, is to improve the fight against organized crime, pranje denarja, and tax

V Moskvi je krožil predlog za vzpostavitev ruske kripto borze

Russia may establish a dedicated exchange to carry out cryptocurrency transactions locally, a high-ranking member of the State Duma has suggested. The new platform can be hosted by the Moscow Exchange, according to Anatoly Aksakov, head of the parliamentary financial market

Finančne družbe poročajo o prvem poslu z digitalnimi sredstvi po ruski zakonodaji

Two companies have carried out Russias first transactions with digital financial assets as defined by the countrys current legislation. The deal involved the tokenization of debt issued by a third party and its subsequent acquisition. Russian Companies Conduct Issue and Placement

Albania to Start Taxing Crypto-Related Income From 2023

Authorities in Albania are finalizing regulations that will allow the taxation of income and profits from cryptocurrency investments. The government intends to begin imposing the levy in 2023, after adopting the necessary legislation which has been proposed for public consultations. Albania

No Tax Amnesty for Russian Crypto Miners as Lawmakers Withdraw Proposal

A new draft law has replaced an earlier bill introducing a one-year tax and customs amnesty for cryptocurrency miners in Russia. The initial proposal has been withdrawn on the grounds that the tax break would have resulted in losses for the

Ugotovitve raziskave ECB 10% gospodinjstev v evroobmočju imajo v lasti kripto sredstva

One in every 10 households in six eurozone countries has acquired cryptocurrencies, the European Central Bank (ECB) has found with a new survey. While the richest are most likely to own crypto assets, poor families are not far behind, the poll