Korejske kripto borze Upbit, Bithumb napadel zakonodajalčeve kriptoposle

Južnokorejski tožilci so preiskali dve največji platformi za trgovanje s kovanci v državi v okviru preiskave o kripto naložbah politika. Zasegli so materiale iz Upbita in Bithumba zaradi sumov nezakonitega ravnanja, povezanega z zakonodajalčevimi imetji kriptovalut. jug…

Ameriško sodišče je ruskega pralca kripto odkupnin obsodilo na pogojno in denarno kazen

Ruski kripto podjetnik, obtožen pranja denarja z napadi izsiljevalske programske opreme, je bil v ZDA obsojen na pogojno kazen in denarno kazen. po priznanju krivde. Ustanovitelj dveh platform za trgovanje s kovanci, Denis Dubnikov, was arrested in the Netherlands and extradited to the

Kripto borzi Binance in Kuna prekineta kartične transakcije v ukrajinski grivni

Major cryptocurrency exchanges operating in Ukraine have temporarily suspended operations with hryvnia bank cards. The measure stems from restrictions imposed by the country’s central bank, Binance and Kuna indicated in comments for crypto media. Ukrainians Unable to Trade Crypto Assets Using

Kripto izmenjave omogočajo Rusom, da se izognejo sankcijam, Poročilo trdi

Večje kripto borze niso preprečile sankcioniranim ruskim bankam in trgovcem transakcije, glede na poročilo forenzike blockchain. Vsaj dve uveljavljeni platformi za trgovanje s kovanci Rusom še naprej dovoljujeta uporabo svojih bančnih kartic v poslih enakovrednih, the analysis

Britain Announces Plans for ‘Robust’ Crypto Rules, Launches Consultation

The U.K. has unveiled “ambitious plans” to “robustly regulate” various crypto activities, while seeking to protect customers and grow its economy. In the next three months, British authorities will accept public feedback on the new regulatory proposals designed to govern digital

Crypto Association v Turčiji obljublja, da bo blokirala borze, ki "žrtvujejo trgovce"

A new organization has been established in Turkey with the aim to monitor and help develop the country’s crypto sector, poročajo lokalni mediji. Its first task will be to address recent problems with some cryptocurrency exchanges and boost confidence in the

Poročilo: SEC Heightens Probe Into Auditors Servicing Crypto Exchanges

Po podatkih ZDA. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Paul Munter, the agency’s acting chief accountant, ZDA. regulator is monitoring proof-of-reserves (POR) more closely. “We’re warning investors to be very wary of some of the claims that are being made by

Kripto igralnice je 'nemogoče namestiti, ker igra gostuje v verigi blokov' – ocenjevalec spletnih igralnic

According to an igaming expert, Keane Ecclestone, crypto casinos are increasingly popular with bettors that value their privacy and security. While some perceive crypto casinos to be riskier than traditional online gambling platforms, Ecclestone believes bettors can play safely by choosing

Hongkong bo uvedel licenciranje za kripto platforme prek zakona o preprečevanju pranja denarja

New legislation tailored to regulate the crypto space in Hong Kong aims to implement a licensing regime for crypto service providers. The respective changes to the regions anti-money laundering (AML) rules have been submitted to its legislature while a recently published