FTX’s Bankman-Fried Is Allegedly Using Alameda Funds to Pay for Legal Defense

According to two sources close to FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced co-founder, gave his father, Stanford Law professor Joseph Bankman, millions of dollars. The funds are reportedly being used to pay for legal costs. The sources said that Bankman-Fried allegedly gave

Vlada ZDA ostaja največji imetnik bitcoinov z zaseženimi zalogami, ocenjenimi na $5.6 milijarde

Od marca 25, 2023, ZDA. vlada držala 205,515 bitcoinov v vrednosti $5.6 milijarde, kar je približno 1.06% krožne oskrbe, glede na trenutno statistiko. Predpomnilnik bitcoinov je rezultat treh zaplemb, ki so se začele leta 2020. Glassnode’s…

Crypto Neobank Wallbit zaradi sankcij zapušča Venezuelo

Wallbit, neobank, ki podpira kripto, napovedala, da bo prenehala služiti uporabnikom v Venezueli, potem ko je njen bančni partner v ZDA. pozval, naj to stori. Platforma je objavila, da je ta poteza neposredna posledica gospodarskih sankcij, ki jih je država uvedla…

US Government Seizes $700 Million in Assets From Disgraced FTX Co-Founder Sam Bankman-Fried

Federal prosecutors have seized $697 million in assets, mostly comprised of more than 56 million Robinhood shares worth $526 milijonov, from FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried. Court filings detailed that the U.S. government seized a series of bank accounts belonging to Bankman-Fried,…

Fed’s Inflation Nowcasting Data Shows Future CPI Increases, US Gross National Debt Hits $31 trilijon

A recently published forecast stemming from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands Inflation Nowcasting data indicates upcoming U.S. consumer price index (CPI) metrics will likely be elevated. The newly predicted CPI levels were recorded the same day Americas gross national debt

Tether izdajatelja stablecoina ne bo zamrznil naslovov Tornado Cash, Pravi, da bi prezgodnja zamrznitev lahko ogrozila preiskave

While the crypto community is still talking about the U.S. government banning the ethereum mixing platform Tornado Cash, the stablecoin issuer Tether Holdings Limited revealed on Wednesday that the company would notfreeze Tornado Cash addresses.” Tether’s recently published blog post