ReadON zaključuje začetni krog v vrednosti 2 milijonov USD za izgradnjo decentralizirane platforme za distribucijo vsebine

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. ReadON (, a company that aims to provide users with a brand-new content consumption experience by utilizing blockchain, completed its seed investment round of $2M led by SevenX Ventures. Other investors included HashKey Capital, Foresight Ventures, Sky9 Capital, ArkStream

Are You Looking for a Different Launchpad? TAFLaunch Is Coming Soon

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Launchpads have gained immense popularity among crypto-enthusiasts in the DeFi space. They give crypto strategists access to early rounds of IDO’s and ICO’s, enabling people to invest in the promising projects and help them see the world. The community

Kripto podjetje Voyager Digital je zagotovilo kreditno linijo v višini 500 milijonov USD pri Alameda Ventures za spopadanje z izpostavljenostjo 3AC

Pred tremi dnevi, News reported on the publicly listed company Voyager Digital after the crypto firm announced that it was owed $655 million worth of digital assets. Now according to a press release from Voyager, the company has secured funds

Skupnost Apecoin glasuje o ohranitvi žetona APE v ekosistemu Ethereum

The Apecoin community is in the midst of discussing whether or not the crypto asset should remain within the Ethereum ecosystem. While AIP-41 voting started today, the proposals voting process will end on June 8, 2022, pri 9 popoldne. (ET). medtem,…

Apecoin se integrira s poligonom, Član odbora DAO pravi, da o izvorni verigi APE nikoli niso razpravljali

Following one of the largest non-fungible token (NFT) mints in history and after apecoin transactions from the sale fueled Ethereum network fees, apecoin is now integrated with the Polygon (MATIČ) omrežje. maja 2, the Apecoin project announced that with Polygon

MMA Entertainment Gigant UFC bo borcem plačeval Bitcoin bonuse

aprila 7, the digital currency exchange announced that fighters from the mixed martial arts (MMA) promotion company, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), will be able to win Fight Night bonuses that will be paid in bitcoin. Fight Night bonus payouts

TooNFT želi revolucionirati industrijo spletnih sličic prek platforme Blockchain naslednje generacije

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Given the rapid evolution associated with technological advancements and new developments regarding Web3 and dApps, TooNFT has decided to launch the decentralised webtoon platform in conjunction with Toomics, which happens to be one of the largest webtoon platforms in

Solana NFT Marketplace Magic Eden razkriva Airdrop, Načrtuje zagon DAO

V torek, the Solana-based non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Magic Eden announced the project is airdropping NFT tickets to existing Magic Eden users and plans to form a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). On February 21, the Magic Eden project airdropped around 4,000

Omejitve kripto borze Binance 281 Nigerijski računi – nekatere so zahtevali mednarodni organi pregona

Menjalnica kriptovalut Binance je omejena 281 Nigerijski uporabniški računi. Navaja varnost uporabnikov in preprečevanje goljufij, To je pojasnil izvršni direktor Changpeng Zhao “približno 38% teh primerov [so] omejeno na zahtevo mednarodnih organov pregona.” 281 Binance omejuje nigerijske račune, CEO

Sberbank lansira prvi Blockchain ETF v Rusiji

Russian banking giant Sberbank has presented the countrys first exchange-traded fund (ETF) giving investors access to the blockchain space. The new instrument holds securities of companies dealing with cryptocurrencies and the technologies that underpin them. Sberbank Introduces ETF Tracking Blockchain Economy