Fed Board, FDIC Order Voyager Digital to Retract Federal Deposit Insurance Claims

Following Voyager Digitals application for bankruptcy protection during the first week of July, Zvezna korporacija za zavarovanje depozitov (FDIC) and the Federal Reserve Board today issued a joint letter to the company demanding a cease and desist against Voyagers FDIC claims. The…

Bitcoin’s ‘Fundamental Value Is Not in Line With Market Price’ — Crypto Miner

Profitable bitcoin mining is essentially a result of an efficient and highly skilled team of professionals that can maintain runtime, a founder of a Bitcoin mining company has asserted. Zato, even when the price is hovering around $20,000, a bitcoin miner

Kripto podjetje Voyager Digital je zagotovilo kreditno linijo v višini 500 milijonov USD pri Alameda Ventures za spopadanje z izpostavljenostjo 3AC

Pred tremi dnevi, Bitcoin.com News reported on the publicly listed company Voyager Digital after the crypto firm announced that it was owed $655 million worth of digital assets. Now according to a press release from Voyager, the company has secured funds

$100 v Free Bitcoin: Ekipa NBA Dallas Mavericks in Voyager sta začela partnerstvo z bonusom BTC

Ekipa NBA Dallas Mavericks je sklenila partnerstvo s kripto platformo Voyager in svojim oboževalcem ponuja $100 bonus v bitcoinih za prijavo in trgovanje s kripto na partnerski platformi. “mi’re going to come up with new ways to introduce