Ameriško sodišče je ruskega pralca kripto odkupnin obsodilo na pogojno in denarno kazen

Ruski kripto podjetnik, obtožen pranja denarja z napadi izsiljevalske programske opreme, je bil v ZDA obsojen na pogojno kazen in denarno kazen. po priznanju krivde. Ustanovitelj dveh platform za trgovanje s kovanci, Denis Dubnikov, was arrested in the Netherlands and extradited to the

Vlada ZDA ostaja največji imetnik bitcoinov z zaseženimi zalogami, ocenjenimi na $5.6 milijarde

Od marca 25, 2023, ZDA. vlada držala 205,515 bitcoinov v vrednosti $5.6 milijarde, kar je približno 1.06% krožne oskrbe, glede na trenutno statistiko. Predpomnilnik bitcoinov je rezultat treh zaplemb, ki so se začele leta 2020. Glassnode’s…

Velikan prenosa datotek Wetransfer se pridružuje industriji NFT, Partnerji s platformo Blockchain Minima za marčevsko lansiranje izdelka za kovanje

Velikan storitev prenosa datotek Wetransfer je v ponedeljek objavil, da sodeluje s platformo blockchain Minima, da bi ponudil nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) izdelek kovanja marca. Wetransferjeva objava podrobno opisuje, da bodo uporabniki, ki bodo izkoristili sodelovanje Minima, lahko kovali NFT-je iz…

Poročilo: Nigerian Central Bank Spent Over $1.8 Billion Managing Local Currency

During her appearance before Nigerian lawmakers, Aisha Ahmad, the deputy governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), told lawmakers that out of the nearly $1.8 billion used to manage the local currency, čez 90% of this total was reportedly used

The Stablecoin Economy Shed $28 Billion in 2022 After a Handful of Tokens Lost Their $1 Peg

2022 has been an interesting year for stablecoin assets as the market capitalization of the entire stablecoin economy lost just over $28 milijarde v vrednosti. Poleg tega, more than $3 billion has been erased from the stablecoin economy during the last 23

Elon Musk, Predlogi naslovov Jacka Dorseyja za manjšo anonimnost na Twitterju

Nekdanji CEO Twitterja Jack Dorsey in Elon Musk, Generalni direktor Tesle in novi lastnik Twitterja, so obravnavali predloge, da bi morala biti platforma družbenih medijev manj anonimna. Klinična psihologinja dr. Jordan B. Peterson je med uporabniki, ki želijo manj…

China to Expand Digital Yuan Testing in Pilot Cities to Provincial Level

Kitajska’s central bank intends to enlarge the area covered by trials of its digital yuan currency in four regions of the country. A top representative of the monetary authority announced the move while highlighting that the Peoples Bank has been stepping

European Union to Launch Global Metaverse Regulation Initiative in 2023

The European Union (EU) will present an initiative to address the metaverse and all the activities and interactions happening in it sometime in 2023. The proposal, which was qualified askeyin the State of the Union letter of intent authored

Fractional NFT Markets Slide 76% v Vrednost v 7 meseci, Diced-up Doge NFT še vedno vodi skupino

When non-fungible token (NFT) collectibles became popular, the fractionalized NFT market grew past the $200 million range seven months ago in December 2021. Od takrat, the fractionalized NFT market has lost more than 76% in value, dropping to an overall market