Georgia Prepares to Launch Digital Lari Pilot in First Half of 2023

The central bank of Georgia intends to publish a document detailing the concept of a national digital currency in the coming months. Other participating parties will use it to finalize their proposals for the pilot which the monetary authority plans to

China to Expand Digital Yuan Testing in Pilot Cities to Provincial Level

Kitajska’s central bank intends to enlarge the area covered by trials of its digital yuan currency in four regions of the country. A top representative of the monetary authority announced the move while highlighting that the Peoples Bank has been stepping

Banka Rusije bo pilotirala digitalne poravnave v rublju 2023

Rusija’s monetary authority intends to conduct the first settlements with the digital ruble next year, its governor announced this week. Speaking to Russian lawmakers, the official highlighted the important role the new currency is going to play for Russia under sanctions….

Digitalni rubelj je zelo potreben,« pravi ruska centralna banka, Ne bo odložil testiranja

Centralna banka Rusije je poudarila pomen napredka pri projektu digitalnega rublja. Po izjavi najvišjega predstavnika, the monetary authority has no intention to delay the trials despite not all invited banks being

Bank of Russia Reports First Successful Digital Ruble Transfers Between Users

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, podjetja,…

European Commission to Launch Digital Euro Consultations in March, Propose Bill Early Next Year

The executive arm of the EU is gearing up to start public consultations on the digital euro project next month. The European Commission will also prepare new legislation to establish the legal basis for the digital version of the common European