Self-Custody Is More Than a Feature – Dennis Jarvis, CEO of

While markets are going up, people get more comfortable putting their cryptoassets into trusted third parties such as centralized exchanges and centralized lending platforms that promise increasingly enticing returns. The good times never last, though. As markets peak and monetary policy

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Has ‘Super Bad Feeling’ About US Economy — Biden Responds

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk says he has asuper bad feelingabout the U.S. gospodarstvo. President Joe Biden responded with a list of major investments by large corporations and wished Musk luck on his trip to the moon. Elon

‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Warns of Looming Consumer Recession, More Earnings Trouble

Hedge fund manager Michael Burry, famed for forecasting the 2008 financial crisis, has warned of a looming consumer recession and more earnings trouble. He cited falling U.S. personal savings and record-setting revolving credit card debt despite trillions of dollars in stimulus

Združeno kraljestvo predstavlja načrte za podporo sprejetju kripto, Ustvarite več pooblastil za zaseg in povrnitev digitalnih sredstev

Delivering the Queens Speech, Prince Charles outlines the British governments plans to support the safe adoption of cryptocurrencies and createpowers to more quickly and easily seize and recover crypto assets.UK Government Plans to Support Crypto Adoption The U.K. vlada…

Rezervni nakupi Tron DAO $38 Milijoni v TRX za zaščito stablecoin USDD

maja 5, Trons algorithmic stablecoin USDD went live and so far, the fiat-pegged token has been listed on a number of decentralized finance (defi) protokoli. Two days later, the Tron DAO Reserve announced it purchased 504.6 million tron (TRX) do…

Attackers Steal $80 Million From Rari Capital’s Fuse Platform, Fei Protocol Suffers From Exploit

According to a report from the blockchain company Blocsec, Rari Capitals Fuse platform has lost roughly $80 million from areentrancy vulnerability.” V soboto, Fei Protocols official Twitter account confirmed it lost funds from the Rari Fuse platform exploit. $80 milijon…

Poročilo o rudarjenju kaže, da se je poraba električne energije Bitcoina zmanjšala za 25% v Q1 2022

Konec maja lani, Tesla’Elon Musk je prepričal vodilne v industriji bitcoinov, da so ustanovili svet za rudarjenje bitcoinov (BMC) in sredi julija, BMC je predstavil svoje javne storitve in spletno stran. aprila 25, 2022, the organization published a report

Poročilo: Južnoafriška univerza bo diplomantom izdajala certifikate, ki temeljijo na blockchainu

Južnoafriška univerza je sporočila, da bo od tega leta študentom, ki bodo diplomirali na izobraževalni ustanovi, izdajala certifikate, ki temeljijo na blockchainu.. Univerzitetni administratorji so trdili, da bo certifikacijski sistem, ki temelji na verigi blokov, pomagal preprečiti goljufije in ustaviti proizvodnjo ponarejenih dokumentov. QR

Belorusija je sprejela pravni postopek za zaseg nedovoljene kriptovalute

Izvajanje nedavno podpisanega predsedniškega odloka, beloruska vlada je uvedla postopek, ki državi omogoča zaseg imetja digitalnih valut. Ta poteza bo organom pregona v Minsku podelila pooblastila za zaseg kripto sredstev, povezanih z nezakonitimi dejavnostmi. Justice

ARTIC s svojimi metarazstavami prinaša decentraliziran pristop k umetniškim galerijam in razstavam

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. The ARTIC team is made up of highly skilled IT engineers, art consultants, designers, and various other professionals with an average of more than 20 years of experience in their respective disciplines. The ARTIC team intends to use blockchain