"Keskklass ei jää enam,"Miljonid pühitakse välja" – kaks turukrahhi ennustust, Gaasikartellid, ja vaalad liigutavad Mt Goxi münte: Bitcoin.com-i uudistenädala ülevaade

In this weeks Bitcoin.com News Week in Review, one market strategist issues a dire warning about the U.S. economy and a large market crash that could cause a “50 juurde 60 percent haircutin stocks. Further, the Russian government is reportedly

Avalikus nimekirjas oleva Bitcoin Miner Cleansparki hashrate ületab 3 Exahash, Firma rekordid igapäevaste toodangu kõrgeimal tasemel 13.25 BTC

Bitcoin miner Cleanspark says it experienced accelerated growth amid the crypto winter this year and the operations hashrate has surpassed 3 eksahas sekundis (EH/s), tripling in less than twelve monthstime. The news follows a number of expansions bitcoin mining

Turustrateeg eeldab aktsiaturu langust 50% Siit, Ütleb, et "keskklassi ei jää enam"

Jerome Powelli järgi’s kulllik kommentaar iga-aastasel Jackson Hole'i ​​majandussümpoosionil, peamised aktsiaindeksid, krüptovaluutad, ja väärismetallide väärtus langes märkimisväärselt. Läbi $240 miljard kustutati krüptoturult ning krüptohirmu ja ahnuse indeks jätkab…

Rakendatud plokiahela muudatused, Sõlmib Põhja-Dakotas asuva maa ostulepingu

Sel nädalal teatas kaevandusettevõte Applied Blockchain, et muudab oma ettevõtte nime Applied Digitaliks. Lisaks, kaevandamisoperatsioon vabastati 2022 majandustulemused ja tegevusvärskendused, milles märgiti, et kaevandusettevõte sõlmis augustis ostulepingu…

Gas-to-Bitcoin-firma Crusoe Energy kaebas konkureeriva Alkane'i keskvoolu patendirikkumise pärast kohtusse

The Denver-based gas-to-bitcoin infrastructure company Crusoe Energy is suing the rival firm Alkane Midstream LLC over alleged patent infringement and poaching customers in Colorado. Crusoe’s lawsuit claims since November 2019, “Alkane was actively monitoring Crusoe and its business.Crypto Flare Mitigation

Venemaa krüptokaevurite elektritarbimine hüppas 20 Ajad sisse 5 Aastaid, Uurimistulemused

Power needs of cryptocurrency miners in Russia have grown significantly since 2017, with consumption of electrical energy seeing a 20-fold increase over the five-year period. sisse 2021, the minting of the coin with the largest market cap, bitcoin, required 1.25 gigawatts

Bitcoini kaevandustegevused laienevad krüptotalvel jätkuvalt, "Lisagaasi mastaabis energiaks muutmisel"

The bitcoin mining industry continues to expand as companies are obtaining more megawatts of capacity, building new facilities, and acquiring thousands of application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) kaevandusplatvormid. Reedel, the firm Validus Power revealed it has acquired two natural gas

Iraan muudab eeskirju, et hõlbustada krüptokaevurite juurdepääsu taastuvenergiale

Authorities in Iran have revised some rules for the crypto mining industry in order to facilitate its access to green power. Licensed miners will now be able to purchase electricity produced from renewable sources from across the country at lower rates….

Euroopa Pangandusamet on mures krüptoruumi järelevalveks talentide palkamise pärast

Euroopa’s banking sector regulator is worried it wont manage to find the specialized personnel needed for the oversight of the EUs attempt to regulate the crypto market. The authority is also concerned over the lack of clarity regarding which digital assets

University of Tokyo to Offer Engineering Courses in the Metaverse

The University of Tokyo will offer a series of engineering courses using metaverse tech. The courses, which are projected to start being offered later this year, will introduce students to the subjects of engineering and will combine this knowledge with the