"Keskklass ei jää enam,"Miljonid pühitakse välja" – kaks turukrahhi ennustust, Gaasikartellid, ja vaalad liigutavad Mt Goxi münte: Bitcoin.com-i uudistenädala ülevaade

In this weeks Bitcoin.com News Week in Review, one market strategist issues a dire warning about the U.S. economy and a large market crash that could cause a “50 juurde 60 percent haircutin stocks. Further, the Russian government is reportedly

Robert Kiyosaki ütleb: "Oleme maailma ajaloo suurimas mullis" - hoiatab, et valitsus arestib kõik krüptovaluutad

Kuulus autor enimmüüdud raamatust Rikas isa, vaene isa, Robert Kiyosaki, has made some gloomy predictions about the economy and the future of cryptocurrency. Besides warning that we are in the biggest bubble in world history, Kiyosaki has predicted

Crypto Flash Crash Prompts El Salvador to Buy the Dip — 150 Bitcoins Added to Treasury

As the crypto market shed billions of dollars, El Salvador bought the dip, taking advantage of the falling price of bitcoin early Saturday morning. With the latest buy, El Salvador has purchased a total of 1,370 bitcoins altogether. According to Salvadoran