Spiludviklere GSC Game World og Ubisoft Face Backlash Om NFT-inkludering

GSC Game World and Ubisoft, two game development companies, are dealing with backlash about the inclusion of NFT elements in some of their games. While GSC Game Worlddeveloper of the popular Stalker gaming franchisehas abandoned its plans

Cash2Bitcoin CEO Ayman Rida forklarer, hvorfor købmænd opretter en Bitcoin ATM, Overholdelse og regulering

Established in 2016, Cash2Bitcoin.com is one of the largest and fastest-growing cryptocurrency ATM deployment services in the United States. Cash2Bitcoin.com manages over 1000 locations throughout the country and is rapidly expanding its reach in the market. Ayman Rida is the CEO

2021's NFT Boom skubber samlere mod sjældne og ældre samlinger

I 2021, og Messari (NFT'er) have been extremely popular and have become a billion-dollar industry this year. og Messari’s been a number of NFT marketplaces and collections that have seen a massive number of sales and individual digital collectibles have sold for

Financial Services Company SBI Group lancerer Diversified Crypto Fund i Japan

SBI Group, the financial services company group based in Tokyo, Japan, has announced the launch of a crypto asset fund that consists of seven different digital currencies. The crypto fund launched by the Japanese company includes bitcoin, ethereum, xrp, litecoin, bitcoin…

Kategori $65 Kategori, Kategori, Kategori

Kategori’Kategori, Kategori, Kategori $65 million. Kategori, Kategori, Kategori, Kategori, Kategori, Kategori,…

Rarible NFT Marketplace integrerer Tezos Blockchain, Vil understøtte Ubisoft-cifre

På onsdag, det ikke-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Rarible announced that the platform now supports the Tezos blockchain network. The move follows Raribles integration with the Flow blockchain protocol in mid-November, and the NFT marketplace now supports a total of three blockchain

esser, jokere, og NFT'er: Playing Card Producent Cykel lancerer NFT Genesis Collection

The well known playing card manufacturer Bicycle has announced the launch of the companys first non-fungible token (NFT) collection. The NFT card collectibles called theGenesis Collectionwere designed by the artist Adrian Valenzuela and the first drop of NFTs were

Videospilsgiganten Ubisoft lancerer NFT-platform, Softwarefirmaets Blockchain-Tech kører på Tezos

Den franske videospilsproducent med base i Montreuil, Ubisoft Entertainment SA, har annonceret, at virksomheden har lanceret en blockchain-baseret platform kaldet Ubisoft Quartz. Ifølge virksomheden, platformen vil forbedre specifikke spil med spilbare og energieffektive ikke-fungible tokens (NFT) aktiver….

Bitwise CIO siger, at $100.000 Bitcoin er en vanskelig forudsigelse at lave, Kalder Ethereum 'Årets aktiv'

Mens der’s been an awful lot of calls for bitcoin to reach six-digits in value in 2021, as the end of the year draws closer, it doesnt seem like $100K per bitcoin will happen. Bitwise Asset Managements chief investment officer Matt