Adidas Originals NFT Compilation Enters Top 50 Samlinger efter bind, Tæt på $60 millioner i salg i 18 Dage

Mindre end 20 dage siden, det tyske multinationale sneaker- og sportstøjsfirma Adidas lancerede virksomheden’s Adidas Originals ikke-fungibel token (NFT) samling og siden er NFT-samlingen steget til tops 50 NFT-kollektioner mht. salg. Adidas…

Defi Kingdoms når rekordaktivitetsniveauer oven på Metaverse Push

Defi Kingdoms, a metaverse-based blockchain game, is experiencing a rise in activity due to the push that metaverse projects are now having in the market. Ifølge Dappradar, the activity on the game has risen considerably. This is also accompanied by

Smart-tv'er og NFT'er kolliderer: Samsung introducerer verdens første tv-baserede NFT-platform

The well known electronics giant Samsung, the manufacturer of LCD and LED panels, laptops, mobile phones, memory chips, and televisions, revealed that the firms upcoming smart TVs will incorporate non-fungible token (NFT) teknologi. Samsung Reveals Smart TV With NFT Capabilities One

Præsidentkandidat i Sydkorea for at rejse midler i kryptovaluta, Udsted NFT'er

Lee Jae-myung, nomineret af regeringspartiet i Sydkorea til det kommende præsidentvalg til foråret, forbereder sig på at rejse midler i kryptovalutaer og udstede ikke-fungible tokens til supportere. His campaign hopes that the initiative will woo young and tech-savvy

Eminem køber Bored Ape Yacht Club #9055 for $452K, Shadys portefølje holder 166 NFT'er

Marshall Mathers, known professionally as Eminem has joined the community of bored apes by purchasing a Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) ikke-fungibel token (NFT) collectible for 123.45 ethereum or $452K at the time of settlement. Slim Shady Purchases Bored Ape Yacht

2 Spejlet, Copycat Bored Ape NFT-projekter forårsager uenighed om krænkelse af ophavsret

In the midst of the hype surrounding the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) ikke-fungibel token (NFT) samlerobjekter, two NFT projects have appeared offering near-identical or mirrored versions of the original BAYC NFTs. The NFT marketplace Opensea has removed the NFT projects

Sydkoreansk lovgiver siger, at han vil begynde at acceptere kryptodonationer i det nye år

Lee Kwang-jae, a South Korean lawmaker, recently stated that he will be accepting cryptocurrency donations starting mid-January 2022. According to the politician, this plan represents his attempt to raise awareness about cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens among South Koreans. Donations to Be

Twitch-medstifter Justin Kan lancerer Gaming-Centric NFT Marketplace Fractal

The co-founder of Twitch, Justin Kan launched a gaming-centric non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace called Fractal on December 30. Fractals focus is on NFTs with video game utility and the project launched an NFT collection calledFractals,” og Messari 100,000 unique snowflakes that

100 NFT-samlinger overgår $20 Milliard i volumen - Cryptopunks, Bored Apes Capture Top Volumes

Ikke-fungibelt token (NFT) assets were extremely popular this year and to date, der’s been more than $20 billion in volume recorded in terms of NFT sales among 100 samlinger. While many single NFTs sold for millions of dollars a number of

Dogecoin Foundation siger, at det arbejder med Ethereums Vitalik Buterin på et staking-koncept

According to the Dogecoin Foundation, the organization is working with Vitalik Buterin on constructing proof-of-stake (Kosmos) capabilities for the Dogecoin network. Det “uniquely Doge proposalis aimed at bolstering acommunity stakingversion of the protocol. Dogecoin Foundation Discusses the Project’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta…