Toppen 5 NFT Marketplaces overgår $40 Milliard i alle tiders salg

While non-fungible token (NFT) sales have slipped since the start of the year, the top five marketplaces, in terms of the largest number of all-time sales, have reached more than $40 milliard. i øvrigt, the NFT marketplace platform Opensea captured over $32

Openseas NFT-salgsmængde krydser alle tider $20 Milliard

Data indicates the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Opensea has crossed $20 milliard i alle tiders salg. The leading NFT marketplace has seen more than 1.2 million traders leverage the platform since the markets inception in 2017. 1.2 Million Opensea Traders and $20

30 Day NFT Salg fortsætter med at køre varmt med punkere og aber, Metaverse handelsvolumen skyder i vejret

The number of recorded non-fungible token (NFT) sales during the last 30 days consisted of roughly 362,374 salg. Under fortiden 30 dage, the leading NFT marketplace Opensea processed $2.39 milliard, op 22.88% since last month. Decentraland volume jumped 192% siden…

Rarible NFT Marketplace integrerer Tezos Blockchain, Vil understøtte Ubisoft-cifre

På onsdag, det ikke-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Rarible announced that the platform now supports the Tezos blockchain network. The move follows Raribles integration with the Flow blockchain protocol in mid-November, and the NFT marketplace now supports a total of three blockchain

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While non-fungibe token (NFT) collectibles have been very popular, NFTs have brought a slew of unique debates to the table and one of them has been censorship. The artist behind Stonetoss Comics, a series of political cartoons, has been censored by

Rarible Marketplace-brugere kan nu oprette, Liste, og Trade Flow-baserede NFT-samleobjekter

I november 10, det ikke-fungible token (NFT) marketplace and the Rarible protocol announced an integration with the Flow blockchain. The announcement details that Rarible users can now create, list, and trade Flow-based NFTs on the marketplace. Rarible Partners With Flow

Disse 3 NFT-projekter samlet overtaget $10 Milliard i salg

Ikke-fungibelt token (NFT) aktiver har taget verden med storm ind 2021 og tre aktuelle projekter i NFT-universet har set salget strække sig til milliarder. Statistikker viser, at NFT markedspladsen Opensea, blockchain NFT-spillet Axie Infinity, og…

NFT Markedssalget falder med mere end 50% - Populær NFT Collection Trade Volumes Nosedive

Efter ikke-fungibelt token (NFT) salget steg i løbet af august måned, den første uge i september’s NFT -salg har været forfærdeligt. Statistik viser, at antallet af salg i midten af ​​august tappede en høj på 193,693 salget, men faldt 86% til 27,053 salg…