Indholdsabonnementstjeneste Onlyfans tilføjer Ethereum-baseret NFT-profilfunktion

The internet content subscription service Onlyfans has announced the launch of a feature that leverages non-fungible token (NFT) teknologi. The newly-added feature, introduced on Thursday, gives Onlyfans members the ability to display authenticated NFTs as their profile pictures. Onlyfans Steps Into

Videospilsgiganten Ubisoft lancerer NFT-platform, Softwarefirmaets Blockchain-Tech kører på Tezos

Den franske videospilsproducent med base i Montreuil, Ubisoft Entertainment SA, har annonceret, at virksomheden har lanceret en blockchain-baseret platform kaldet Ubisoft Quartz. Ifølge virksomheden, platformen vil forbedre specifikke spil med spilbare og energieffektive ikke-fungible tokens (NFT) aktiver….

Rarible Marketplace-brugere kan nu oprette, Liste, og Trade Flow-baserede NFT-samleobjekter

I november 10, det ikke-fungible token (NFT) marketplace and the Rarible protocol announced an integration with the Flow blockchain. The announcement details that Rarible users can now create, list, and trade Flow-based NFTs on the marketplace. Rarible Partners With Flow