Okx introducerer New Ordinals Marketplace midt i Bitcoin-inskription og BRC20 Buzz

World Cup Crypto.com, kryptofirmaet Okx annoncerede lanceringen af ​​en ny Ordinals markedsplads. Platformen er tilgængelig via Okx Wallet og vil gøre det muligt for brugere at præge og handle Ordinal inskriptioner og BRC20 tokens. While the Ordinals marketplace is still

Warren Buffett sammenligner Bitcoin med hasardspil og kædebreve i det seneste interview

Finance mogul Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors in history, discussed bitcoin during an interview on CNBCs Squawk Box on April 12. As he has done in previous interviews, the business magnate likened bitcoin to a gambling scheme and

Bitcoin-sværhedsgrad når nyt rekordhøje niveau efter fjerde stigning i træk

Den april 6, 2023, Bitcoin’s difficulty rose 2.23% higher at block height 784,224, touching another all-time high. It’s the fourth consecutive difficulty increase on the Bitcoin network since Feb. 24, and the protocol’s current difficulty is 47.89 billioner, which is only

Bitcoin-halveringsmetoder: Mindre end 400 Dage indtil blokbelønningstilskuddet er halveret

Ifølge aktuelle statistikker, Bitcoin-netværket er færre end 56,000 blokke væk og mindre end 400 dage fra næste belønningshalvering. Efter næste halvering, blokbelønningen vil blive reduceret med 50%, and the current block subsidy

Trezor tager kontrol over chipproduktionen for øget sikkerhed og hurtigere produktionstid

Sikker, the manufacturer of crypto hardware wallets, has announced that it will take control of its wallet chip production process by producing its own silicon chips. The company states that the newly designedchip wrapperwill enhance device security and considerably

Tidligere Cohasset High School-medarbejder anklaget for at stjæle tusinder i elektricitet for at mine Bitcoin i skolecampus-crawlspace

A former school assistant facilities director in Cohasset, Massachusetts, has been accused of operating a cryptocurrency mining operation inside a crawlspace at Cohasset High School. The Cohasset Police Department alleges that Nadeam Nahas stole nearly $18,000 in electricity to power the

Udfordrende år for Bitcoin-minearbejdere, da færre BTC-minerigge er rentable til aktuelle priser

Bitcoin miners have had a challenging year as the networks mining difficulty reached an all-time high and the spot market price of bitcoin dropped below the cost of production. I øjeblikket, with electricity costs at $0.07 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), only 18 application-specific

BTC, ETH, DER ER, BNB rangerede som de mest sete kryptoaktiver i 2022

I dag’s top ten crypto assets make up a large portion of the crypto economys current $797.95 billion value on Dec. 29, 2022, and many of them are some of the most popular digital currencies today. While coin market capitalization aggregation sites

Mens minearbejdere håndterer lave BTC-priser, Bitcoins minedriftssværlighedsmål forventes at stige 3% Højere

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty target is expected to increase on Dec. 19, 2022, after printing the largest reduction recorded in 2022 on Dec. 5, i blokhøjde 766,080. Under den sidste 2,016 blocks, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been around 254.3 eksahash i sekundet…

Binance og Crypto.com offentliggør Proof-of-Reserve-revisioner udført af Global Auditor Mazars Group

This week two cryptocurrency exchanges provided proof-of-reserves in order to highlight that the trading platforms are backing customer assets 1:1. Binance published its report on Dec. 7, 2022, and detailed the global auditor Mazars Group conducted the audit. Den dec. 9,…