Crypto Settlement Startup Zebec Gets $15 Miljoner för att skapa programmerbara kontantströmsbetalningar

The multi-signature treasury management and settlement startup Zebec has revealed the company has raised $15 million in order to bolster a continuous and programmable cash stream protocol on the Solana blockchain. Zebec says the company aims to be thepayment solution

Solana NFT Marketplace Magic Eden avslöjar Airdrop, Planerar att lansera DAO

På tisdag, the Solana-based non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Magic Eden announced the project is airdropping NFT tickets to existing Magic Eden users and plans to form a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). On February 21, the Magic Eden project airdropped around 4,000

Jump Crypto ersätter $320 Miljoner i Ethereum hämtade från maskhålsexploatering

On February 2, 2022, the Wormhole Networks ethereumsolana bridge was exploited for 120,000 WETH (wrapped ethereum) värde $320 million and the following day, the team explained thatall funds have been restored and Wormhole is back up.The team

Trots nedgången i kryptopriser, Veckovis NFT-försäljningsräckvidd $4.7 Miljard, Ökande 81%

Medan kryptomarknader har tappat miljarder under de senaste sju dagarna, försäljningen av icke-fungibla tokentillgångar ökar fortfarande 81% sedan förra veckan. Statistik visar $4.7 miljarder i NFT-försäljning avgjordes på sju dagar bland 326,733 köpare, and Ethereum saw a continued

Dessa är kryptoekonomins 10 De dyraste tillgångarna per enhet i 2022

A lot has changed in regard to the prices of various crypto assets throughout 2021, as todays top crypto assets look a lot different than they did 12 months ago. Dessutom, the most valuable cryptocurrencies in terms of U.S. dollars per

JPMorgan: Ethereum tappar mark till annan krypto på NFT-marknaden på grund av höga transaktionsavgifter, Trängsel

JPMorgan has told its clients that ethereum is losing ground to rival cryptocurrencies, such as solana (SOL), in the non-fungible token (NFT) market due to sky-high transaction fees on the network. “It looks like, similar to defi apps, congestion and high

Ner från topparna: En titt på hur långt kryptotillgångar har glidit från sina rekord genom tiderna

Digital currencies had a phenomenal year, and a great deal of the crypto assets in existence reached all-time high (ATH) prices against the worlds fiat currencies. i alla fall, the same digital currencies that tapped ATHs last year are currently down a great

Terra Proposal syftar till att utöka UST Stablecoin till 5 Olika Defi-protokoll

On January 6, Terra Research announced a proposal to expand the networks stablecoin asset terrausd (UST) across a number of different protocols on Polygon, Ethereum, and Solana. Terra’s governance blog post discusses how the proposal to leverage $139 million of UST

Värde låst i Defi Slips 10% i 4 dagar, Ethereum TVL dominerar kl 58%

Fyra dagar sedan, det totala värdet låst (TVL) inom decentraliserad finans (defi) was coasting along at $255.84 billion and since then, the TVL has dropped ​​8.55% i värde. Under den sista 24 timmar, the TVL has slid 2.80%, and Curves $23

Solana erkänner formellt problem med "High Compute"-transaktioner som täpper till nätverket

Solana, a top ten smart contracts-enabled cryptocurrency by market cap, has acknowledged it is facing a series of problems hindering the performance of its network. The official account of the status of the network, as well as the status page, rapporterad…