Med Nära till 10 Miljarder Stablecoins inlösta, BUSD:s utbud sjunker till den lägsta nivån sedan april 2021

Statistics recorded on April 15, 2023, show that the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD dropped below the 7 billion range to 6.68 miljard, marking the lowest number of BUSD in circulation since April 2021. vidare, data indicates

Rogue Validator utnyttjar MEV-bots på Ethereum, Resulterar i 25,3 miljoner dollar i kryptoförluster

I april 3, 2023, at Ethereum block height 16,964,664, a group of MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) bots were exploited for $25.3 miljon. An analysis of the exploit revealed that a renegade validator switched the MEV botstransactions and seized various crypto

USDC Stablecoin närmar sig paritet med USD efter Feds räddningsmeddelande

The stablecoin USDC has nearly regained parity with the U.S. dollar after rising just above $0.99 on March 12, 2023, på 7:20 kl. Östlig tid. The stablecoin jumped back to the $0.99 range after the U.S. Federal Reserve revealed it would

Ebb och flöde av Stablecoin-ekonomin fortsätter med BUSD:s börsvärde som faller under $10 Billion Range

The realm of stablecoins is an ever-evolving landscape and the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD has fallen below the 10 billion mark to approximately 9.68 billion on March 3, 2023. Under den senaste 30 dagar, BUSD’s token

Binance ökar USDC-innehav när BUSD:s börsvärde sjunker

Eight days ago, Paxos announced that the company would no longer mint the stablecoin BUSD. Sedan dess, the coins market capitalization has been sliding lower as redemptions have become more prominent. Under tiden, a data researcher from Nansen has discovered that Binance,…

Stablecoin-marknaden ser att utbudet ökar för Tether när konkurrenterna minskar i ljuset av den senaste lagstiftningsutvecklingen

While the stablecoin market has seen significant redemptions in the past three months, the supply of tether, the largest stablecoin by market capitalization, has increased by 2.46 billion since mid-November 2022. Tether is the only one of the top five stablecoins

The Stablecoin Economy Shed $28 Miljarder in 2022 Efter att en handfull tokens förlorat sina $1 Pinne

2022 has been an interesting year for stablecoin assets as the market capitalization of the entire stablecoin economy lost just over $28 miljarder i värde. Dessutom, mer än $3 billion has been erased from the stablecoin economy during the last 23

Stablecoin GUSDs utbud hoppar nära 130% Högre in 30 dagar

While the stablecoin economy has seen fluctuations from specific stablecoin tokens either increasing the projects number of tokens in circulation or decreasing the supply, the stablecoin GUSD issued by Gemini has increased by 129.5% under den sista 30 dagar. GUSD Sees

Argentinska provinsen Mendoza börjar acceptera skattebetalningar i krypto

Mendoza, en argentinsk provins, har implementerat ett system som gör att skattebetalarna kan betala sin skatt fullt ut med kryptovalutor. Systemet, som lanserades i veckan, is part of a strategic push for the modernization and digitalization of payments carried by the

Stablecoin-utgivaren Tether kommer inte att frysa Tornado Cash-adresser, Säger att för tidig frysning kan äventyra undersökningar

Medan kryptogemenskapen fortfarande talar om U.S.A. regeringen förbjuder ethereum-blandningsplattformen Tornado Cash, Stablecoin-emittenten Tether Holdings Limited avslöjade på onsdagen att bolaget inte skulle göra det “frysa Tornado Cash-adresser.” Tjudra’s recently published blog post