"Ethereum Killers" lyckades "döda" sig själva 2022 Hellre än att slå den smarta kontraktsekonomins tungviktsmästare

At the end of 2021, a myriad of people thought a handful of smart contract platform tokens, often referred to asEthereum killers,’ would flip the second-largest crypto asset in terms of market capitalization in 2022. Som 2022 comes to an

Google Cloud kör en Solana Validator, Blockchain Node Engine kommer att stödja SOL Chain nästa år

After Google Cloud announced that it would offer a product called the “Blockchain Node Engine” and further noted that Ethereum would be the first blockchain supported, the company revealed it was running a Solana validator on Nov. 5, 2022. Google said

Solana Ventures lanseras $100 Miljonfond fokuserad på Web3-projekt i Sydkorea

Solana Ventures har avslöjat lanseringen av en $100 miljoner fond tillägnad Web3-startups i Sydkorea. Enligt Solana Labs’ general manager Johnny Lee, kapitalet kommer att dedikeras till icke-fungibla tokens (NFTs), decentraliserad finans (defi), och spelfinansiering…

Crypto Settlement Startup Zebec Gets $15 Miljoner för att skapa programmerbara kontantströmsbetalningar

The multi-signature treasury management and settlement startup Zebec has revealed the company has raised $15 million in order to bolster a continuous and programmable cash stream protocol on the Solana blockchain. Zebec says the company aims to be thepayment solution

Solana NFT Marketplace Magic Eden avslöjar Airdrop, Planerar att lansera DAO

På tisdag, the Solana-based non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Magic Eden announced the project is airdropping NFT tickets to existing Magic Eden users and plans to form a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). On February 21, the Magic Eden project airdropped around 4,000

Jump Crypto ersätter $320 Miljoner i Ethereum hämtade från maskhålsexploatering

On February 2, 2022, the Wormhole Networks ethereumsolana bridge was exploited for 120,000 WETH (wrapped ethereum) värde $320 million and the following day, the team explained thatall funds have been restored and Wormhole is back up.The team

Teknisk analys: Solana Surges 15%, som Loopring Priset sjunker

Solana was trading close to 15% higher on Tuesday, as crypto markets were mostly in the green to start February. This comes as markets look set to move past Januarys red wave. Biggest gainers Cryptocurrency markets were mostly bullish during Tuesday’s…

Teknisk analys: Kosmos klättrar högre, Medan Solanas höst fortsätter

Efter att ha handlat lägre under större delen av måndagen’s session, priserna på kryptovalutor började sakta finna stöd, med ett fåtal marknader på uppgång, när vi gick mot slutet av dagen. Cosmos Ett sådant krypto var kosmos (ATOM), which was the

Twitchs grundare Justin Kan lanserar Gaming-Centric NFT Marketplace Fractal

The co-founder of Twitch, Justin Kan launched a gaming-centric non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace called Fractal on December 30. Fractals focus is on NFTs with video game utility and the project launched an NFT collection calledFractals,” a 100,000 unique snowflakes that

Multicoin Capital Exec säger att det kanske inte finns någon kryptobjörnmarknad alls,Påstår att "Bitcoin kommer att vändas"

While the crypto economy has tumbled in value during the last two weeks, the managing partner at Multicoin Capital, Kyle Samani, recently shared his views on why he thinks thenext bear market will not be like the last one.” I…