Dessa är kryptoekonomins 10 De dyraste tillgångarna per enhet i 2022

A lot has changed in regard to the prices of various crypto assets throughout 2021, as todays top crypto assets look a lot different than they did 12 months ago. Dessutom, the most valuable cryptocurrencies in terms of U.S. dollars per

Värde låst i Defi Slips 10% i 4 dagar, Ethereum TVL dominerar kl 58%

Fyra dagar sedan, det totala värdet låst (TVL) inom decentraliserad finans (defi) was coasting along at $255.84 billion and since then, the TVL has dropped ​​8.55% i värde. Under den sista 24 timmar, the TVL has slid 2.80%, and Curves $23