Marathon planerar att höja $500 Miljoner från konvertibla seniorsedlar till köp av Bitcoin och gruvriggar

På måndag, the enterprise bitcoin mining operation Marathon Digital Holdings announced the firm will raise $500 million from convertible senior notes in order to accrue morebitcoin or bitcoin mining machines.Publicly-Listed Mining Operation to Raise $500M From Debt Markets to

Kazakstans senat antar lagstiftning som utsätter kryptoplattformar för finansiell övervakning

The Senate in Kazakhstan has approved amendments aimed at preventing the legalization of illicit funds which will affect companies dealing with digital assets, bland andra. The new legislation subjects crypto service providers to the countrys financial monitoring regime. Senators Back Law

Bitcoin Mining Operation Genesis Digital Assets tillkännager nytt datacenter i västra Texas

Following a number of ASIC mining rig acquisitions from the manufacturer Canaan, the bitcoin mining operation Genesis Digital Assets announced on Monday that the firm is developing an industrial-scale bitcoin mining data center in West Texas. According to the announcement, Genesis

Gruvföretaget Titan introducerar Lumerin, ett projekt som syftar till att kommodifiera Bitcoins Hashpower

I oktober 21, the bitcoin mining pool operator Titan revealed a new decentralized hashpower routing protocol called Lumerin. The open-source project aims to commodify bitcoins hashpowerthrough smart contracts, making hashpower tradable.Bloqs Mining Arm Titan Announces the Lumerin Protocol The

Enskild gruvgård behöver lika mycket kraft som 24,000 Hem, Kazakstan uppskattningar

Authorities in Kazakhstan have calculated the energy used in the countrys crypto mining industry which competes for electricity with other sectors of the economy and households. The government has also estimated the additional supply necessary to meet the growing demand from

Ryssland överväger att delvis ersätta dollarreserver med digitala tillgångar i framtiden

Mitt i pågående sanktioner, Rysslands regering har arbetat för att begränsa landet’s beroende av U.S.A. dollar. Det säger nu UD’s possible to partially replace the greenback in currency reserves and trade settlements with other

Lokala företag i New York uppmanar guvernören att införa ett statligt moratorium för gruvdrift för bitcoin

The governor of New York state, Kathy Hochul, has been urged by a group of local companies to deny business permits to bitcoin miners. The letter specifically asks for thedenial of permits for the Greenidge Generating Station and the Fortistar

Kinas Hebei-provins börjar slå ned på kryptogruvor och handel, Rapporter avslöjar

Authorities in the Chinese province of Hebei have reportedly launched a campaign against cryptocurrency mining and trading. According to a quoted announcement by the regions cyberspace administration, a number of government agencies are working together to prevent the use of the

Crypto Mining bör registreras och beskattas i Ryssland, Ordförande för finansmarknadsutskottet säger

Cryptocurrency mining should be registered as entrepreneurial activity and taxed as such, enligt Anatolij Aksakov, chairman of Russias parliamentary Financial Market Committee. The lawmaker also thinks Russian digital currency regulations need refinement. Amendments Likely to Affect Mining, Beskattning, Definition of

Iran stänger ner fler illegala kryptofarmar, Att ta över totalen 5,300

Myndigheter i Iran fortsätter sina tillslag mot otillåten brytning av kryptovaluta eftersom efterfrågan på el är fortsatt hög. Landet’s kraftbolag har hittills lagt ner mer än 5,300 illegala gruvanläggningar, beslagta en enorm mängd myntpressningsmaskiner. Power Utility