Iran stängs av 8,000 Illegal Crypto Mining Farms i 3 år

Authorities in Iran have closed down more than 8,000 underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past three years, rapporterade lokala medier. Despite the government’s crackdown, illegal crypto mining continues to account for a serious amount of energy consumption, official figures

Polisen i Kosovo beslagtar kryptogruvriggar från serber

Kosovo police have seized dozens of crypto mining devices from residents of a majority Serb region in the north of the country. Authorities in Pristina and Belgrade exchanged accusations over the move, which has the potential to raise tensions in the

Ryska kryptoindustrin frågar regeringen om föreslaget straffrättsligt ansvar för gruvarbetare

The organization representing Russia’s crypto sector has asked the government in Moscow to clarify a proposal to introduce criminal liability for “gray” miners. The draft legislation seeks to punish those who fail to report their income to the state and share

Iran lämnar tillbaka beslagtagen kryptogruvutrustning till gruvarbetare

A government body responsible for state property in Iran has released some of the hardware seized from illegal crypto mining farms. Its top executive explained the agency was obliged to do that by courts in the Islamic Republic, where unlicensed miners

Mitt i hög energiefterfrågan från gruvarbetare, Ryssland funderar på att bygga nya kraftverk i Sibirien

Growing electricity consumption in the crypto mining sector may require the construction of new power generation facilities in Siberia, the energy minister of Russia has acknowledged. Demand continues to increase in residential areas as well, after regional authorities abandoned a proposal

New Yorks guvernör undertecknar lag som delvis förbjuder bitcoinbrytning på fossila bränslen

A moratorium on some crypto mining operations relying on carbon-based energy has been signed into law in New York. Businesses engaged in proof-of-work mining in the state will not be able to expand or renew their permits for the next two

Prishöjning för naturgas drabbar kryptogruvarbetare i Iran

Companies using natural gas as a power source to mint digital currency in Iran will have to deal with a sharp increase in the price of the fuel. The new rates set by the state-run supplier are almost double the previous

Vietnams kryptogruvarbetare klagar på förluster från Ethereums sammanslagning

Miners in Vietnam have expressed grievances over the loss of business following Ethereums transition to a consensus mechanism that does not require the energy-intensive computing they were providing. Many are in trouble, rapporterade lokala medier, quoting entrepreneurs and mining enthusiasts. Kryptovaluta…

Tillämpad blockchain ändrar namn, Ingår köpeavtal för mark i North Dakota

Den här veckan meddelade gruvdriften Applied Blockchain att de byter företagsnamn till Applied Digital. vidare, gruvdriften släpptes 2022 financial results and operational updates that noted that the mining firm entered a purchase agreement on August

Elförbrukning av ryska kryptogruvarbetares toppar 20 Tider in 5 år, Forskningsfynd

Kraftbehovet för kryptovalutagruvarbetare i Ryssland har ökat avsevärt sedan dess 2017, med en 20-faldig ökning av förbrukningen av elektrisk energi under femårsperioden. I 2021, präglingen av myntet med det största börsvärdet, bitcoin, nödvändig 1.25 gigawatts