Global Central Bank Gold Holdings se je povečal na 36,000 Tone noter 2021, Povečanje, pripisano padcu dolarja

Skupna količina zlata, ki ga imajo centralne banke v rezervah, je dosegla vrh 36,000 tone prvič po 1990, so pokazali podatki Svetovnega sveta za zlato. To povečanje sledi rasti v bankah’ poročali o lastništvu sredstva za 4.500…

Terjatve na seznamu zakladnic Bitcoin 59 Držijo podjetja in peščica držav 1.49 Milijon BTC

304 days or roughly nine months ago, 42 companies held bitcoin on their balance sheet with an aggregate total of 1,350,073 bitcoin on March 1, 2021. Danes, metrics indicate there are 59 companies, a few countries, and exchange-traded funds (ETF-ji) z…

Putin opozarja, da kriptovalute prinašajo tveganja, Priznavajo, da imajo morda prihodnost

Russian President Vladimir Putin has again spoken about cryptocurrencies, noting thehigh risksassociated with the virtual assets. Vendar, the Russian leader has also acknowledged that digital currencies may have a future and its necessary to follow their development. Rusija’s Putin

konec 3 Million Customers Can Earn Bitcoin Points Dining at 500 Restaurants via Landry’s Rewards Program

Millions of customers dining at 500 restaurants across the U.S. will soon be able to earn bitcoin points, thanks to a partnership between restaurant giant Landrys and New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG). Poleg tega, Landrys said it will buy bitcoin

Rusija razmišlja o delni zamenjavi dolarskih rezerv z digitalnimi sredstvi v prihodnosti

Amid ongoing sanctions, the government of Russia has been working to limit the country’odvisnost od ZDA. dolar. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs now says its possible to partially replace the greenback in currency reserves and trade settlements with other

EverRise Brings Buyback Token and Ecosystem of dApps to Polygon and Ethereum

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Singapur, septembra 30, 2021. Less than three weeks after releasing its first dApp EverOwn for Binance Smart Chain, EverRise is proud to announce they will launch EverBridge to both the Ethereum and Polygon blockchains on October 5th. With EverBridge,…

Hip hop zvezdnik Ja Rule razpravlja o rastočem prostoru NFT in kriptovalutah — 'Všeč mi je dejstvo, da je bitcoin decentraliziran'

The non-fungible token (NFT) industry has exploded in 2021 as millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies continue to be traded for these blockchain collectibles every single day. Ta teden, News chatted with the popular American rapper Ja Rule about NFTs