Citizens Trust Bank to Hold $65 Million in USDC Reserves as Circle Expands Bank Partnerships

V petek, the cryptocurrency firm and stablecoin issuer Circle announced that the financial institution Citizens Trust Bank will hold $65 million in usd coin cash reserves. Circle said the move is part of the company’s plan to allocate shares of the stablecoin’s denominated reserves to minority-owned depository institutions (MDIs) and community banks across the United States.


Circle Partners With Atlanta-Based Citizens Trust Bank

The digital currency firm Circle has announced that Atlanta-based Citizens Trust Bank, ustanovljeno v 1947, will hold $65 million in usd coin (USDC) rezerve. This move follows a series of announcements where Circle allocated funds to various U.S.-based financial institutions over the past year. Na primer, Circle navedeno aprila 1, 2022, that BNY Mellon would hold USDC reserves, and in June, the Boston-based company napovedal that New York Community Bancorp would hold USDC reserves.

Dodatno, Circle napovedal last November that it is working with Blackrock to manage a portion of the USDC reserves in a fund registered with the U.S. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC). “The opportunity to maintain a portion of Circle’s growing USDC reserves means we are strengthening our balance sheet and becoming a key part of fast-growing new markets,” Cynthia N. Day, the president and chief executive officer of Citizens Trust Bank said in a statement. Circle also announced on Friday that it will collaborate with Citizens Trust Bank to enhance financial literacy initiatives.

The company stated that it is developing plans to expand programming into the community through Atlanta’s historic HBCUs and local schools, with a launch event slated for this summer and a $100K seed grant from Circle. As of Feb. 24, 2023, Circle’s stablecoin USDC has an overall valuation of $42.66 billion and is the second-largest U.S. dollar-pegged cryptocurrency asset in terms of market capitalization. According to metrics recorded on Friday, the number of USDC coins in circulation has decreased by 2.7% nad zadnjim 30 dnevi.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
Atlanta, Bilanca stanja, Blackrock, BNY Mellon, Circle, Citizens Trust Bank, community banks, Kriptovaluta, cryptocurrency asset, Cynthia N. Day, Digitalna valuta, fast-growing markets, Finančne ustanove, financial literacy initiatives, HBCUs, launch event, local schools, Tržna kapitalizacija, MDIs, minority-owned depository institutions, New York Community Bancorp, SEC, seed grant, Stabilni kovanci, Združene države, US dollar-pegged, usd kovanec, USDC

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Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 6,000 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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