IMF opozarja, da sankcije Rusiji grozijo, da bodo spodkopale prevlado ameriškega dolarja

Finančne sankcije, uvedene Rusiji zaradi njene invazije na Ukrajino, lahko zmanjšajo prevlado ZDA. valuta, po besedah ​​visokega uradnika Mednarodnega denarnega sklada (IMF). Konfrontacija bi lahko vodila v razdrobljenost sveta’s current monetary

Centralna banka Hondurasa diskreditira špekulacije o zakonitem plačilnem sredstvu Bitcoin

marca 23, Hondurascentral bank issued a clarification on crypto assets such as bitcoin, and noted that digital currencies are not legal tender or regulated in the country. The announcement, posted via Hondurascentral bank official Twitter account, comes after

Russia’s Finance Ministry Submits Bill to Legalize Crypto Investments, Ban Payments

Russian Ministry of Finance has prepared and submitted a new bill to expand crypto regulations to the government. The law “O digitalni valuti” aims to introduce rules for investment in cryptocurrencies while at the same time cementing a ban on their

Prepoved kriptovalut v Rusiji ima lahko nasproten učinek, Medvedjev opozarja, da opozicija nasprotuje predlogu

Dmitry Medvedev, former president and prime minister of Russia, has voiced his concerns over Bank of Russias initiative to ban most crypto operations. Prohibition could bring the opposite result, the Russian politician warned, joining a chorus of opinions against the restrictive

Banka Rusije ima orodja za omejevanje kripto naložb, Namigi guvernerja

The Central Bank of Russia has reaffirmed its opposition to cryptocurrency investments citing the volatility of the digital assets as a key motive for its conservative stance. Governor Elvira Nabiullina has recently indicated that the regulator has the means to restrict

Letni obseg kripto transakcij, ki jih opravijo Rusi, dosega $5 milijarde, Ugotovitve Banke Rusije

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto

Ruski uradniki podpirajo zamisel o priznavanju kripto rudarjev kot podjetnikov

Cryptocurrency mining should be recognized as an entrepreneurial activity under Russian law and taxed accordingly, representatives of key ministries in Moscow and the parliament have indicated. Officials believe the regulatory move would benefit both the state and the crypto industry. Russian

Ukraine Security Service Busts Criminal Group Selling Bitcoin-Stealing Malware

Law enforcement authorities in Ukraine have exposed a crime ring specializing in cryptocurrency theft and laundering of illicit funds for hackers. The gang, which provided services to clients on the darknet, has been dismantled as a result of a joint operation

Iranian Lawmakers Oppose Crypto Restrictions, Call for Supportive Regulations

Members of the Iranian parliament, the Majlis, have voiced concerns over Tehrans restrictive policies towards innovations such as cryptocurrencies. Following the release of a study recommending a new approach towards the crypto industry, the lawmakers have called for the adoption of

Bank of Russia to ‘Slow Down’ Payments to Crypto Exchanges, Curb Russians’ Impulsive Investments

Central Bank of Russia is now working with commercial banks in order to delay payments made to digital asset exchanges. The move aims to limitemotionalcryptocurrency purchases made byunqualifiedRussian investors, a CBR official revealed. The move is likely