Nakazila v države z nizkimi in srednjimi dohodki v 2022 Zgoraj 5% do $626 Milijarda — zadnje poročilo Svetovne banke

Despite the headwinds that have dominated the year, remittances to low and middle-income countries in 2022 still grew by 5% do $626 milijarde, the World Bank Migration and Development Brief has said. Afrika, where the cost of sending $200 averaged 7.8%

S&P Global Report Says EU and UK Are in a Recession, Putin Thinks the West Is Greedy

Danes’s blustery global economy has everyone on edge as inflation has wreaked havoc on the wallets of ordinary people and energy prices continue to soar worldwide. According to Credit Suisse, “the worst is yet to come,” as the global investment bank’s…

Odobritev pomoči MDS pomaga zambijski kvači prevzeti položaj ruskega rublja kot najuspešnejše valute na svetu

After the International Money Fund revealed it had approved a bailout package for Zambia, the Southern African countrys currency, the kwacha, rallied by 3.1%. Following this gain, the kwacha took the Russian rubles position as the worlds best-performing currency in 2022….

IMF opozarja, da sankcije Rusiji grozijo, da bodo spodkopale prevlado ameriškega dolarja

Finančne sankcije, uvedene Rusiji zaradi njene invazije na Ukrajino, lahko zmanjšajo prevlado ZDA. valuta, po besedah ​​visokega uradnika Mednarodnega denarnega sklada (IMF). Konfrontacija bi lahko vodila v razdrobljenost sveta’s current monetary