Kitajska se je pripravljena pogovarjati z azijskim denarnim skladom o zmanjšanju odvisnosti od dolarja, Malezija pravi

An idea to establish an Asian Monetary Fund has caught the attention of the Chinese leadership, the head of the Malaysian government revealed. The prime minister believes there is no reason for his country, which is hurting from a strong U.S….

Tržni analitik napoveduje propad "vsega".,« Poziva k zavarovanju zlata in srebra pred tveganjem, preden ga ne ostane

Egon von Greyerz, market analyst and founder of Matterhorn Asset Management, is predicting the collapse of the central bank system in the next few years due to an increasing issuance of currency and debt. Von Greyerz states that in the face

BRICS Nations Working on Creating New Currency to Be Discussed at Next Leaders Summit: Poročilo

The BRICS nations are reportedly working on developing a new form of currency, which is expected to be discussed at the next BRICS leaderssummit, according to a top Russian official. “The transition to settlements in national currencies is the first

SEC in a Pickle: Crypto’s Tricky Trio Stirs Up Trouble in 2023

2023 is shaping up to be a painful year for the U.S. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC) as it finds itself entangled in battles with the ever-evolving and innovative cryptocurrency industry. From Ripple to Coinbase and Tron, the SEC faces fierce

Burry on Banking Crisis, Kiyosaki Warns of ‘Fake Money’ Injections; Talk of ‘Anti-Crypto’ Agenda Behind Signature Bank Collapse — Week in Review

Speculation and debate continue to rage surrounding the current global banking debacle. Hedge fund manager Michael Burry — known for predicting 2008’s economic crisis — is drawing comparisons to the Panic of 1907, while Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki

G20 Finance Chiefs Widely Recognize Crypto Poses Major Financial Stability Risks, Says Indian Central Bank Governor

The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors recognize that cryptocurrencies pose major risks to financial stability, monetary systems, and cyber security, India’s central bank governor reportedly said. Crypto regulation was among the key topics discussed during the G20 meeting over

Strokovnjak napoveduje grozeči gospodarski zlom, ko se države BRICS združijo proti dolarju

Andy Schectman, Izvršni direktor Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments, je v nedavnem intervjuju pojasnil, da je pet vodilnih gospodarstev v vzponu – Brazilija, Rusija, Indija, Kitajska, in Južno Afriko, skupaj znane kot države BRICS—so “združevanje proti dolarju.” Schectman meni, da od 2022, de-dollarization

Analitik opozarja na pristojnost bank za zaplembo sredstev, Padec kupne moči ameriških dolarjev

Po mnenju Lynette Zang, glavni tržni analitik pri ITM Trading, ZDA. banke imajo pravno pooblastilo za zaplembo sredstev ljudi zaradi zakonodaje, ki jo je sprejel kongres. V nedavnem intervjuju, Zang je razpravljal o tem, kako je kupna moč ZDA. dollar has

Robert Kiyosaki pravi, da mu je všeč bitcoin – BTC imenuje "Ljudski denar"

Slavni avtor knjižne uspešnice Bogati očka, revni očka, Robert Kiyosaki, pravi, da ima rad bitcoin, klicanje kriptovalute “ljudi’s denarjem.” Ob tem priznava, da o bitcoinu ne ve veliko, rekel je: “jaz’prav vesel sem, da sem ga kupil pri…

Razprave o pomenu in posledicah ordinalnih vpisov na verigo blokov bitcoinov se zaostrujejo

V zadnjih dveh tednih, members of the cryptocurrency community have discussed the non-fungible token (NFT) concept known as Ordinals. Since the 3.96 MB block (#774,628) je bil miniran, there has been a significant increase in Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain….