Študija kaže, da Singapur vodi pri iskanju NFT po vsem svetu, Raziskovalci pravijo, da je Poljska najbolj proti NFT država

V zadnjih sedmih dneh, nezamenljivi žeton (NFT) prodaja je padla 23.37% in 30-dnevna statistika kaže, da je prodaja NFT upadla 63.10% od prejšnjega meseca. Medtem ko zanimanje za NFT upada, nedavna študija kaže, da svetovne regije, kot sta Singapur in…

British Army’s Social Media Accounts Hacked to Promote Bitcoin Giveaways, Crypto Scams

The British Armys official Youtube and Twitter accounts were compromised Sunday and hackers used them to promote crypto, including bitcoin and ether giveaway scams featuring Tesla CEO Elon Musk. British Armys Social Media Accounts Used to Promote Bitcoin, Kripto, NFT Scams

Prodaja NFT je preprečila upad kripto trga ta teden z rahlim povečanjem obsega

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) prodaja je ta teden uspela ostati dosledna, medtem ko je kriptoekonomija v zadnjih sedmih dneh zabeležila več izgub. Teden prej, $152.9 milijonov v prodaji NFT je bilo zabeleženih čez 18 blockchains in v zadnjem tednu,…

Trending Sport NFTs: A Look at Legendary Colombian Soccer Player James Rodríguez’s 1500 NFTs Launch on ZKSea

Colombian soccer superstar James David Rodríguez Rubio has announced his partnership with ZKSpace to launch the James Rodríguez Commemorative Edition NFTs, Zurda (left foot in Spanish), with the presale scheduled for June 15th, 2022. The 1,500 unique pieces are currently the

Bored Ape and Cryptopunk Values Wobble — During the Last Month, Blue-Chip NFT Floor Values Dropped Over 50%

While the crypto economy has dropped considerably in value during the last few weeks, seven-day statistics indicate non-fungible token (NFT) sales are down 17.32% lower than last week. Data also shows NFT floor values have tumbled a great deal during the

Najboljši izvajalci video iger uporabljajo NFT za pomoč Ukrajini, Zbirka za objavo v uradnem muzeju MetaHistory

Since the outbroke of the Russian-Ukrainian war, many celebrities, social activities, and visual artists joined the league of supporting Ukraine by cryptocurrency and NFT artworks. And the trend just doesnt stop. zdaj, a group of top-notch artists bring the support and

Zbirka južnoafriškega vrhunskega vina, ki se prodaja kot NFT

Collections of South Africas fine wines were recently sold as non-fungible tokens (NFT-ji) with one lot being sold for $79,000. Immediately following the auction, two lots were reportedly paid for using bitcoin. Lots Exceed Estimates Collections of fine wines made by

Prodaja NFT je ta teden padla, Cronos NFT Volume Skoki 236% višje, Zbirka Azuki Rises

Prejšnji teden, prodaja nezamenljivih žetonov se je izboljšala, potem ko je obseg prodaje iz tedna v teden padal. Ta teden, Prodaja NFT upada 2.15% od prejšnjega tedna’s $544.6 milijonov do tega tedna’s $539.2 milijonov. The top NFT collection in terms

Zašteti 30.000 $ ali več v Ethereumu — pogled na vrh 5 Spodnje cene NFT

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) sredstva so zelo priljubljena že več kot 12 mesecih in veliko število zbirk je močno naraslo v vrednosti. Medtem ko je glede na iskalne poizvedbe Google Trends zanimanje za NFT padlo na najnižjo raven v štirih mesecih, a vast

Poročilo: Andreessen Horowitz Seeks an Investment in Bored Ape Yacht Club

Two reports claim that the creators of the popular non-fungible token (NFT) project Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) are in talks of raising funds from investors such as the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. The alleged funding round is expected to