The Top 5 NFT Marketplaces Surpass $40 Billion in All-Time Sales

While non-fungible token (NFT) sales have slipped since the start of the year, the top five marketplaces, in terms of the largest number of all-time sales, have reached more than $40 milijarde. Poleg tega, the NFT marketplace platform Opensea captured over $32

Prodaja NFT je ta teden padla, Cronos NFT Volume Skoki 236% višje, Zbirka Azuki Rises

Prejšnji teden, prodaja nezamenljivih žetonov se je izboljšala, potem ko je obseg prodaje iz tedna v teden padal. Ta teden, Prodaja NFT upada 2.15% od prejšnjega tedna’s $544.6 milijonov do tega tedna’s $539.2 milijonov. The top NFT collection in terms