Prodaja NFT je preprečila upad kripto trga ta teden z rahlim povečanjem obsega

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) prodaja je ta teden uspela ostati dosledna, medtem ko je kriptoekonomija v zadnjih sedmih dneh zabeležila več izgub. Teden prej, $152.9 milijonov v prodaji NFT je bilo zabeleženih čez 18 blockchains in v zadnjem tednu, $154.3 million in sales were executed. While Ethereum saw the most NFT sales this week, the chain saw a 9.23% decline in ether-based NFT sales volume.


NFT’s Avert This Week’s Crypto Downturn as NFT Sales Saw a Modest Increase

V času pisanja, približno $154,366,090 in NFT sales were recorded across 18 different blockchains and the metric is roughly 0.96% higher than the week prior. The NFT collection Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) saw the most sales out of all the NFT collections with $13,292,929 in sales, gor 1.01% v zadnjih sedmih dneh.

During the past 24 ure, the BAYC floor value has dropped to 85.99 ETH ($90K) oz 1.2% lower than the day before. konec 158 transakcije, BAYC saw 99 buyers this week purchase Bored Ape NFTs.

NFT Sales Stave off Crypto Market Downturn This Week With a Slight Uptick in Volume
Seven day NFT sales data via on July 2, 2022.

The second collection with the most amount of sales this week was sestra z $11,293,496. Sorare sales jumped 201% higher than the week prior across 142,903 transactions and 13,492 buyers. Sorare is followed by Otherdeed which has seen an increase of around 63.65% in weekly sales or $10,112,650 in sales volume.

While Ethereum’s overall sales ($107,656,971) were 9.23% lower than last week, a number of other blockchains saw a surge in weekly sales. Fantom saw the largest increase this week as NFT sales jumped 10,616% on the chain this past week.

Panini recorded a 228.58% porast, BNB saw a 148.97% spike, in Flow blockchain NFT sales swelled by 112.53%. 13 out of the 18 blockchains saw NFT sales increase during the last seven days while chains like Ethereum, Palm, Odločitev, Chronos, and OEC all saw declines.

The most expensive NFT sale this week was Otherdeed 6 which sold for 249.46 ether or $309K. Dolgočasena opica 211 sold for 194.97 ether or $232K and Dolgočasena opica 2,896 sold for 166 ether or $205K. The top five most expensive NFT sales this past week consisted of one Otherdeed sale and four Bored Apes.

Odprto morje was the top NFT marketplace this week with $113 million in sales but sales are down 17.24%. Opensea is followed by X2Y2 z $15.33 million in NFT sales and Čarobni raj recorded $15.04 million in sales.

After being the second-largest NFT market by sales volume months ago, this week, Looksrare now commands the fourth largest NFT marketplace in terms of sales with $7.12 milijonov, navzdol 3.66% since the week prior.

The largest floor price increases during the past 24 hours stem from NFT collections like Impostors Genesis Aliens, Izgubljeni pesniki, Uradne glave superg, Mali junaki, and Creature World.

junija 20, 2022, NFT 30-day sales were navzdol 74.44% but monthly sales prior to July 2, are down 65.15% which means sales have seen a slight improvement.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
30 dnevna prodaja, 7-dnevna prodaja NFT, bnb, Dolgočasena opica 211, Dolgočasena opica 2896, Bored Ape Yacht Club,, Ethereum, Talne vrednosti, Tok, Mali junaki, izgleda redko, Izgubljeni pesniki, nft, Zbirka NFT, Zbirke NFT, Spodnje vrednosti NFT, Prodaja NFT, Obseg prodaje NFT, Tedenska prodaja NFT, NFT-ji, Nezamenljivi žeton, Odprto morje, Otherdeed, Panini, prodaja, Obseg prodaje, Uradne glave superg

What do you think about the last seven days of NFT sales? Sporočite nam, kaj mislite o tej temi v spodnjem oddelku za komentarje.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 5,700 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

Zasluge za slike: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, BAYC NFT,

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