Ruski bankirji predlagajo kriminalizacijo shranjevanja kripto v neskrbniških denarnicah

Keeping cryptocurrencies in non-custodial wallets may be criminalized in Russia, if authorities accept a proposal from the trade association representing Russian banks. While financial regulators think the idea deserves attention, lawmakers and experts doubt its possible to implement such a measure….

Republic of Ireland to Prohibit Political Cryptocurrency Donations

The government of Ireland is preparing to ban political parties from accepting campaign donations in cryptocurrency. The move aims to block the perceived threat of Russian interference in the European nations elections against the backdrop of a clash between the West

Ghana Central Bank Reiterates Warning Against Practice of Pricing Goods in Forex

The Bank of Ghana has warned businesses and the public against the practice of demanding or making payments in foreign currency without its authorization. The central banks warning comes just over a month after Ghanas currency was rated the worst performing

Ministrica za finance Yellen pravi, da bi morala kripto regulativa podpirati odgovorne inovacije, Upravljajte tveganja

Treasury Secretary Yellen says the regulatory frameworks for crypto assets in the U.S. shouldsupport responsible innovation while managing risks.She emphasized, “Regulation should be based on risks and activities, not specific technologies.Treasury Secretary Yellen on Crypto Regulation U.S. Zakladnica…

IMF opozarja, da sankcije Rusiji grozijo, da bodo spodkopale prevlado ameriškega dolarja

Finančne sankcije, uvedene Rusiji zaradi njene invazije na Ukrajino, lahko zmanjšajo prevlado ZDA. valuta, po besedah ​​visokega uradnika Mednarodnega denarnega sklada (IMF). Konfrontacija bi lahko vodila v razdrobljenost sveta’s current monetary

Binance obvešča kanadskega regulatorja, da je 'zavezan' ukiniti storitve kripto trgovanja v Ontariu

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has informed the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) that it is committed to ceasing opening new accounts for Ontario residents and winding down certain services to comply with regulations. Binance Promises to Increase Efforts to Comply With Regulation Cryptocurrency

Cornell Professor: Crypto Industry Could Benefit From Biden’s Executive Order, Regulations Provide Legitimacy

A Cornell University economics professor says that President Joe Bidens executive order on the regulation of cryptocurrency could benefit the industry. “Ultimately what these sorts of regulations provide to the industry is legitimacy,” said the professor. Cornell Professor on Crypto Industry

Centralna banka Argentine pripravlja nove predpise za digitalne denarnice

The Central Bank of Argentina is reportedly working on a new group of regulations seeking to control the totality of the digital wallets in the country. This new legal framework is directed at stopping fraud said to be facilitated by these

Russia’s Finance Ministry Submits Bill to Legalize Crypto Investments, Ban Payments

Russian Ministry of Finance has prepared and submitted a new bill to expand crypto regulations to the government. The law “O digitalni valuti” aims to introduce rules for investment in cryptocurrencies while at the same time cementing a ban on their

Poročilo: Kitajski carinski organ zapleni 49 Stari ASIC Antminerji

Chinese authorities continue to crackdown against bitcoin miners after they seized 49 second-hand Bitmain ASIC Antminers from unnamed individuals that recently attempted to smuggle in the devices using falsified documents. Devices to Be Disposed of in Accordance With Regulations Huangpu Customs