Ethereum Network Fees Surge 153% v 30 Dnevi, While Arbitrum Daily Transactions Outpace ETH Following Shapella Upgrade

Ethereum network fees have experienced a significant upswing following the implementation of the Shapella upgrade on April 12th. In the last 30 dnevi, onchain fees have soared by over 153%, from a prior rate of $4.65 per transfer to a current

Smart Contract Tokens, Defi Economy See Strong Growth, Market Capitalization Swells by $78 Billion in 30 Dnevi

Smart contract tokens and the decentralized finance economy have been on a tear during the last month, gaining against the U.S. dolar. The market capitalization of the smart contract platform token economy has swelled by $78 billion over the last 30

Stablecoin GUSD’s Supply Jumps Close to 130% Višje v 30 Dnevi

While the stablecoin economy has seen fluctuations from specific stablecoin tokens either increasing the projects number of tokens in circulation or decreasing the supply, the stablecoin GUSD issued by Gemini has increased by 129.5% med zadnjim 30 dnevi. GUSD Sees

Medtem ko je združitev povzročila rast medvedjega trga, Hype je bil izbrisan in Ethereum zdaj vodi

With just over two weeks left until The Merge, ethereum’s value against the U.S. dollar has lost all the gains the crypto asset recorded leading up to the hardened date. In mid-August, ether managed to climb above the $2K zone but

Value Locked in Decentralized Finance Slides 17% Lower Over the Last 30 Dnevi

The value locked in decentralized finance (defi) protocols has lost 17.77% nad zadnjim 30 dnevi, falling from $221.67 billion to today’s $182.27 milijarde. Poleg tega, statistics show the total value locked (TVL) across a broad range of defi protocols shed significant

Tedenska prodaja NFT še naprej pada, Podatki Google Trends kažejo upad poizvedb NFT 45% v 30 Dnevi

Po bledem tednu, v katerem smo videli nezamenljive žetone (NFT) prodaja zdrsne 29.35% prejšnji teden, v zadnjih sedmih dneh je prodaja NFT dodatno upadla in izgubila več kot 7%. Izven 12 različne verige blokov, ki podpirajo NFT, Solana je bil edini dobiček, v…

Skupna vrednost, zaklenjena v medverižnih mostovih Defi, presega $22 milijarde, Skakanje 48% v 30 Dnevi

On October 29, the total value locked (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) protocols is around $243 billion with Curve capturing 7.76% of the dominance. medtem, as ethereum has the largest dominance of TVL in defi, a number of alternative blockchains are