武器化によりドルの役割が低下, デジタル通貨, 経済学者のジェフリー・サックス氏は言う

今後10年以内に, アメリカ. ドルの役割は現在よりもはるかに弱くなるだろう, ジェフリー・サックスによれば. 有名な経済学者は、ドルの地位低下の要因としていくつかを挙げています。…

Bitcoin Proponents Slam Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman After Venmo Payment Issue

Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman complained on Twitter Wednesday that he was experiencing issues with the centralized payment processor Venmo. His tweet was followed by a barrage of bitcoin supporters who insisted that Krugman was now realizing the importance of censorship-resistant


マンハッタンで行われた元FTX CEOのサム・バンクマン・フリード氏が関与した詐欺事件の最新の法廷文書によると、, この事件を管轄するニューヨーク州の判事は水曜日、バンクマン・フリードの債券の連帯署名者の封印を解いた。. 2人の保釈金の名前…

Ukrainian Pharmacy Chain Introduces Cryptocurrency Payments

A major Ukrainian chain of pharmacies has started accepting cryptocurrency through Binance Pay. The new payment method will be available online, 会社によると, which operates hundreds of drugstores across the war-torn Eastern European nation. Pharmacy Offers Ukrainians Option to

UK Bank Starling Blocks Payments to Crypto Platforms — Claims Crypto Is High Risk, Heavily Used for Criminal Purposes

Starling Bank has informed its customers that the bank no longer supports fund transfers to cryptocurrency platforms, including crypto exchanges. The bank stated that cryptocurrenciesare high risk and heavily used for criminal purposes and, as such, we no longer support


デジタル資産プラットフォームのヌリは顧客に対し、今後2カ月以内に資金を引き出すよう指示した, 仮想通貨の冬に打撃を受けた後. 以前はビットワラとして知られていました, ベルリンに本社を置く仮想通貨銀行は今年初めに破産を申請したが破産した。…


中国’s central bank intends to enlarge the area covered by trials of its digital yuan currency in four regions of the country. A top representative of the monetary authority announced the move while highlighting that the Peoples Bank has been stepping

ECB は Amazon を選択し、 4 デジタルユーロの開発を支援する他の企業

The European Central Bank (ECB) has selected five companies to help develop user interfaces for a digital euro. Each company will work with the ECB and focus on one specific use case of the digital euro. Amazon has been chosen to

疑わしいクリプトロンダラーの弁護士 Vinnik は、ロシアに米国との囚人交換について話し合うよう呼びかける

A lawyer representing Russian IT specialist Alexander Vinnik has urged the government in Moscow to discuss a potential exchange of prisoners with the United States, where he was recently extradited. The French legal expert is convinced only a return to his