武器化によりドルの役割が低下, デジタル通貨, 経済学者のジェフリー・サックス氏は言う

今後10年以内に, アメリカ. ドルの役割は現在よりもはるかに弱くなるだろう, ジェフリー・サックスによれば. The renowned economist listed a few factors for the diminishing status of the greenback such as its use as a political weapon by Washington, the introduction of currencies like the digital yuan, and America’s shrinking share of the global economy.


United States’ Smaller Share in World Economy to Affect the Dollar

The role of the U.S. dollar will naturally decrease as the share of the United States in the planet’s economy becomes smaller and settlements in other currencies take hold, economics professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University Jeffrey Sachs predicted.

Speaking at an online session of the latest Annual Columbia China Summit on Friday, Sachs noted that the international payment system is currently based on the dollar, with up to 60% of foreign trade settlements conducted or denominated in the U.S. fiat, and around half of currency reserves based on it.

武器化によりドルの役割が低下, デジタル通貨, 経済学者のジェフリー・サックス氏は言う

同時に, アメリカ. share of the global economy is around 15%, in purchasing terms. So the role of the dollar is far larger than the role of the U.S. 経済, Sachs explained. He described the role of the greenback as “kind of historical” and reflecting the power of the United States in the 20th century.

Quoted by the Chinese Xinhua news agency, Jeffrey Sachs also pointed out that with the U.S. turning its currency into a political weapon, by confiscating foreign exchange reserves of Russia, ベネズエラ, and Iran, many countries don’t want to keep their money in dollars anymore. He elaborated:

They don’t trust the United States and they think the U.S. is going to confiscate their currency, especially if they get in some kind of foreign policy disagreement with the United States.

Role of Currencies Like Renminbi, Rupee, Ruble to Rise in Future

The economist further remarked that the current role of the U.S. currency is largely due to the dollar-based commercial banking system as the payments are usually settled through commercial banks. でも, Sachs is convinced that in the future, payments are going to be settled through central bank digital currencies (CBDC).

digital yuan (e人民元), the digital version of the renminbi issued by the People’s Bank of China, is now undergoing trials at the retail level within the country, but Sachs believes that it will eventually become an international payment system for cross-border settlements.

ロシア, 中国, サウジアラビア, インド, and South Africa have been looking for alternative payments as they don’t want to use the U.S. dollar-based banking system and, according to Sachs, that’s understandable. The role of the U.S. dollar will diminish and the role of the renminbi, the rupee, ルーブル, and other currencies will increase in the future, he concluded.

Jeffrey Sachs is known for his work as an economic adviser to governments from Latin America to Eastern Europe, where he supported the transition to market economies. Two years ago, Sachs criticized bitcoin for offering “nothing of social value” but acknowledged some of the benefits of using digital currencies, including more efficient transactions.

銀行システム, 銀行, CBDC, CBDC, デジタル通貨, デジタル通貨, ドル, 経済学の教授, エコノミスト, ジェフリー・サックス, 支払い, 人民元, ルーブル, ルピー, 入植地, 私たち., 私たち. ドル, 私たち. 経済, 私たち, 米ドル, 世界経済,

Do you agree with the predictions made by U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs? 以下のコメントセクションで、この件に関するあなたの考えを共有してください.


Lubomir Tassev は、テクノロジーに精通した東ヨーロッパ出身のジャーナリストで、Hitchens の言葉が好きです。: 「作家であることは、私が何であるかです, 私がすることよりも。」暗号のほかに, ブロックチェーンとフィンテック, 国際政治と経済は、他の 2 つのインスピレーションの源です.

画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ, lev radin / Shutterstock.com

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